Lebu Wolof is listed in E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 as a dialect of (Senegalese-Mauretanian) Wolof [wol]. However, Lebu Wolof is not intelligible to other Wolof speakers ( Cissé, Mamadou 2004: 14 ), e.g., Wolof speakers cannot readiy understand the text specimina of Lebu in Angrand, Armand-Pierre 1952 , as opposed to Gambian Wolof [wof] which is intelligible to (Senegalese-Mauretanian) Wolof [wol] but uses a different written standard and source of loanwords. The distinctness of Lebu Wolof is hidden by the fact that all Lebu Wolof speakers are also bilingual in non-Lebu Wolof. See also: Gambian Wolof [wof], Wolof [wol].