A grammar of the Rhodesian Tonga: introductory to the English-Vernacular dictionary of Bantu Botatwe; and supplement to a comparative grammar of South African Bantu languages
A handbook of the Ila language: commonly called the Seshukulumbwe : spoken in north-western Rhodesia, south-central Africa ; comprising grammar, exercises, specimens of Ila tales, and vocabularies
A handbook of the Ila language (commonly called the Seshukulumbwe) spoken in North-Western Rhodesia, South-Central Africa: comprising grammar, exercises, specimens of Ila tales, and vocabularies
The Fwe of the Eastern Caprivi Zipfel: a study of their historical and geographical backgrund, tribal structure and legal system, with special reference to Fwe family law and succession
The contributions of education to the development of elites among the Plateau Tonga of Zambia: a comparative study of school-leavers from two mission schools 1930 to 1965