Family: Atlantic-Congo

Family membership references
Comments on family membership

The core is held together by regular sound correspondences in lexical items between subfamily languages, less systematic verbal extensions and noun class systems Stewart, John M. 2002 , Stewart, John M. 2005 , Pozdniakov, Konstantin Igorevich and Segerer, Guillaume 2004 , Hyman, Larry M. 2007 Tom Güldemann 2018: 154-174 , 177-179, 180-189, 194-199, 200-213, 213-223, 223-231, 232-234, 353-358. Mande Tom Güldemann 2018: 189-192 , 353-358, Kordofanian Tom Güldemann 2018: 223-231 , 232-234, 353-358, Ijoid Tom Güldemann 2018: 174-177 , 232-234, 353-358, Kru with/without Siamou Tom Güldemann 2018: 177-179 , 232-234, 353-358 and Dogon (cf. Tom Güldemann 2018: 192-193 , 232-234, 353-358) have not yet been shown to stand up to these criteria wherefore they are excluded. The Pre or Mbre language in Côte d'Ivoire, known from wordlists only, is Atlantic-Congo but cannot be assigned to a specific branch at this time Blench, Roger 2006 , Boukari, Oumarou 2009 Tom Güldemann 2018: 180 . The Mpra (= Mpre) language in Ghana has cognates with Atlantic-Congo especially Guang Goody, Jack R. 1963 , including numerals 2-5, but the bulk of the little vocabulary that is known, is not Atlantic-Congo Blench, Roger 2012 . On the grounds that the numerals are less likely to be borrowed, and that lexical innovation may produce vocabulary that looks unrelated to anything else, we count Mpra as an Atlantic-Congo language. Aproumu Aizi [ahp]: Marchese, Lynell and Hook, Ann 1983 Ahaté, Tamala Louise 2018 does not seem to be a Kru language but, judging from the numerals, appears to be an Atlantic-Congo language (I wish to thank Roger Blench for highlighting the divergent nature of this language).