Glottolog aims to provide complete references on the world's languages (apart from national languages and a few dozen other major languages for which thousands of studies exist). At the moment, it contains 442519 references on 26953 varieties and families. The sources of Glottolog are given below.
Each reference is annotated for its source. In this way Glottolog gives credit to the creators of the resource that originally contributed the reference. Please help us to make Glottolog's references more complete. If you have a reference that is missing, or even a collection of references, please contact the editors. At the moment, many of Glottolog’s references are not correctly annotated. If you notice a reference that should be annotated differently, please contact the editors.
Provider | Bibliography | Description | References |
degruyter | De Gruyter language and linguistics books and journals | Bibliographical records for books and journals on language and linguistics published by De Gruyter. Based on an agreement between the Max Planck Society and the publisher to share bibliographical data. Initially transferred to us in december 2014, containing XML records of about 3900 books and 4900 journal issues, parsed by SB. Each reference contains a link back to the publication's page of the publisher's website. | 69086 |
langsci | Collected references from Language Science Press | References collected from all books published with Language Science Press ( | 65691 |
hh | Harald Hammarström's bibliography | The bibliography of HH, typed in between 2005-2022. It has been annotated by hand (type and language). It contains descriptive material from all over the world, mostly lesser-known languages. | 62870 |
eballiso2009 | Jouni Maho's bibliography of Africa | A collection of references taken from the ongoing EBALL (Electronic Bibliography of African Languages and Linguistics) by Jouni Maho (1992-2009). EBALL includes includes any linguistically related publications concerning languages in Africa and is annotated for type and language. The present collection is an excerpt from 2009 and was tailored to Maho's well-informed language divisions. It was automatically matched with iso-639-3 languages by HH -- a conversion which has glitches for some closely related varities. The user guide to EBALL explains all the conventions and functionality of EBALL (, 201 pp, revised 2010-05-19 accessed 10 Apr 2011). Only the references themselves and the converted language identification data have been lifted from EBALL. The remaining functionality of EBALL, such as the elaborate annotation scheme, is not featured in LangDoc. | 60128 |
benjamins | John Benjamins language and linguistics books and journals | Bibliographical records for books and journals on language and linguistics published by John Benjamins Publishing Company. Based on an agreement between the Max Planck Society and the publisher to share bibliographical data. Initially transferred to us in december 2016, containing XML records parsed by RF. Each reference contains a link back to the publication's page of the publisher's website. | 57307 |
glossa | References cited in recent Glossa articles | Bibliographical references cited in articles in the journal Glossa, if available as XML download (i.e. published since the end of 2017). | 36970 |
cldf | Aggregated bibliography from CLDF datasets | Bibliography aggregated from various CLDF datasets (WALS, Autotyp, Grambank, APiCS, D-PLACE, ElCat, etc.). | 29712 |
fabreall2009ann | Alain Fabre's "Diccionario etnolingüístico y guía bibliográfica de los pueblos indígenas sudamericanos" | Alain Fabre's Diccionario Etnolingüístico y Guía Bibliográfica de los Pueblos Indígenas Sudamericanos which has been elaborated since the 1990s, with the help of contibutions from experts. Earlier versions have appeared as: Fabre, Alain. (1994) Las Lenguas Indígenas Sudamericanas en la Actualidad: Diccionario Etnolingüístico Clasificatorio y Guía Bibliográfica. Published by the Author, Tampere. Fabre, Alain. (1998) Manual de las lenguas indígenas sudamericanas, I-II (LINCOM Handbooks in Linguistics 4-5). München: Lincom. Since 2005, there has been a continually updated electronic version posted (accessed 10 Apr 2011). The bibliography included here is a version of the documents from the summer of 2009 and was automatically parsed by HH. The automatical parsing could not be done error-free and a number of such errors have yet to be weeded out. It was annotated for language, using Fabre's well-informed language divisions. It was automatically matched with iso-639-3 languages -- a conversion which has glitches for some closely related varities. The collection contains entries of linguistics and ethnography of South American Indian peoples. | 29093 |
weball | The web-version of EBALL, by Jouni Maho and Guillaume Ségérer. | A collection of references taken from the ongoing EBALL (Electronic Bibliography of African Languages and Linguistics) by Jouni Maho (1992-2005) and subsequently elaborated on (2005-2009) by Guillaume Ségérer. The present collection was autoqueried down by HH from in 2009. It is annotated for type and language. It was automatically matched with iso-639-3 languages by HH -- a conversion which has glitches for some closely related varities. | 24954 |
sil16 | The SIL bibliography | A collection of references to vernacular and descriptive publications produced by SIL affiliated individuals. It contains entries from the whole world and is annotated for type and language. It was autoqueried down from and parsed by HH in 2009. | 18453 |
mpieva | The catalogue of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig | The linguistics part of the MPI EVA catalogue (accumulated 1998-2009), autoqueried down from by HH in Aug 2009. It contains descriptive material from all over the world, mostly lesser-known languages. The bulk of it has been annotated by hand (type and language). | 15698 |
anla | The bibliography of the Alaska Native Language Archive | The bibliography of the [Alaska Native Language Center]( autoparsed sometime in early 2012 by a student assistant of Sebastian Nordhoff. Language identifications added by HH the 13 May 2012. | 9644 |
zurich | Library Catalogue of U Zurich | Bibliographical references collected by members of the Department of Linguistics, University of Zurich and supplied by Fernando Zúñiga in 2009. | 8744 |
sala | The bibliography of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Archive | A collection of references by Southeast Asian Linguistics Archives (SALA) on Southeast Asian languages. Based on a digitized version of the Huffman 1986 bibliography and expanded through 2008 by SEAlang staff. It was autoqueried down in 2009 from and by HH. | 8089 |
ozbib | OZBIB: A linguistic bibliography of Aboriginal Australia and Torres Strait Islander languages (2012/1/30) | A collection of published works and theses on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages compiled by Geraldine Triffitt and Lois Carrington and published in 1999 by Pacific Linguistics. A supplement to OZBIB was published in 2005 by Mulini Press. It was autoqueried down in 2010 from by HH. | 7233 |
silpng | The bibliography of the Papua New Guinea branch of SIL | A collection of references of the SIL Papua New Guinea branch 1956-2004, as listed in the following print bibliographies: Akerson, Paula & Bonita E. R. Moeckel. (1992) Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics Papua New Guinea Branch 1956--1990. Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Linden, Liz. (2003) Bibliography of the Summer Institute of Linguistics Papua New Guinea Branch 1991-2000. Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Feldpausch, Becky. (2005) Bibliography of the SIL Papua New Guinea Branch 2001-2003 including materials produced by the Bible Translation Association of Papua New Guinea in cooperation with SIL. Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: Summer Institute of Linguistics. Feldpausch, Becky. (2005) Bibliography of the SIL Papua New Guinea Branch 2004 including materials produced by the Bible Translation Association of Papua New Guinea in cooperation with SIL. Ukarumpa, Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea: Summer Institute of Linguistics. It contains mainly vernacular but also many descriptive publications and is annotated for language and type. It was automatically parsed by HH in 2009 and contains parsing errors. | 6486 |
guldemann | Tom Güldemann's bibliography of Africa | Tom Güldemann's personal bibliography which focusses on African languages. Given to us by Tom Güldemann in early 2011. | 4961 |
evobib | Johann-Mattis List's Bibliographic Database for Historical Linguistics | The database mainly contains work on lexicostatistics, methodological aspects of the comparative method, and the application of biological methods in historical linguistics. | 4684 |
bahasa | Library catalogue Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Atma Jaya | The section of the library catalogue for Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, concerning theses in linguistics defended there, plus the section of the library catalogue for Universitas Atma Jaya in Jakarta, concerning "bahasa" (language). They were culled and parsed by HH in early 2012. The URL:s used were for Universitas Gadjah Mada and for Universitas Atma Jaya. | 4235 |
asjp2010 | ASJP Automated Similarity Judgment Program bibliography | A collection of references to descriptive publications from all over the world, used as sources for the [ASJP project]( accessed 10 Apr 2011. It is annotated for language. The present collection was culled down by HH in May 2010 from lingweb.eva.mpg and subsequently parsed, though not without parsing errors. | 3061 |
bowern | Claire Bowern's bibliography | Claire Bowern's bibliography. Given to us by Claire Bowern in August 2013. | 2761 |
lapolla-tibeto-burman | Randy LaPolla's Tibeto-Burman bibliography | A Tibeto-Burman bibliography by Randy J. LaPolla, as posted on (accessed 10 Apr 2010). Contains entries on Tibeto-Burman and adjacent languages. It was parsed by HH in 2010. | 2529 |
phoible | The PHOIBLE database bibliography | The bibliography for the PHOIBLE database of phonological inventories. It was partly annotated for language (by hand). Given to us by Steve Moran in July 2014. | 2167 |
goba | Georeferenzierte Online-Bibliographie Areallinguistik (GOBA) | The bibliography of Georeferenzierte Online-Bibliographie Areallinguistik (GOBA). Provided by the Forschungszentrum Deutscher Sprachatlas, Marburg it was sent to us by Michael Cysouw 23 July 2014. Adapted by HH. | 2151 |
ldh | Language Description Heritage | The catalogue of the Language Description Heritage collection. | 1837 |
seifart | Frank Seifart's bibliography | Frank Seifart's personal bibliography which focusses on South American languages. Given to us by Frank Seifart in 2011. | 1688 |
otomanguean | A 2003 Bibliography of Otomanguean Languages | A 2003 Bibliography of Otomanguean Languages (Version: March 1, 2003). Contributors: Thomas C. Smith Stark, William R. Merrifield, Annette Veerman-Leichsenring, Søren Wichmann, Monica Macaulay, Scott Berthiaume, and Daniel Barragón Trejo. Edited by Søren Wichmann. Given to us by Søren Wichmann in 2011. It was parsed by HH in 2012. | 1528 |
iso6393 | ISO 639-3 Registration Authority | Change requests submitted to the ISO 639-3 registration authority. Culled from the iso-639-3 website by Robert Forkel. | 1404 |
jocp | Collected references from the Journal of Contrastive Pragmatics | Published articles and references cited in these from the Journal of Contrastive Pragmatics. References are exported from a Zotero Group library curated by the journal. | 1123 |
bibliolux | BiblioLux - Bibliographie zur luxemburgischen Linguistik | Bibliographical information from the [BiblioLux online bibliography](, sent to us by Peter Gilles in 2015. | 1043 |
gj | Guillaume Jacques BibTex File | Bibliographical references collected by Guillaume Jacques containing a full collection of references Rgyalrongic lanaguages as well as miscellaneous other items. Sent to us by Guillaume Jacques in May 2015. | 1026 |
stampe | Stampe's bibliography | The Munda Bibliography to 1983 by David Stampe, as posted on (accessed 10 Apr 2010). Contains entries on Munda languages. It was parsed by HH in 2010. | 771 |
haspelmath | Martin Haspelmath's bibliography | Bibliographical references for articles from major linguistics journals. Collected from the publisher's website and annotated for glottocode by a student assistant in 2014. | 597 |
sn | Sebastian Nordhoff's bibliography | Sebastian Nordhoff's personal bibliography. Date of export 13 May 2012. | 475 |
zorcpapers | The R. David Zorc Papers | The Zorc Papers are the record of the fieldwork of R. David Zorc in the period August 1971 - July 1972. The papers were enumerated and scanned by the SEAlang project and supplied to Glottolog by Rikker Dockum in 2019. | 203 |
lewinmanx | Bibliography of academic works pertaining to Manx Gaelic compiled by Christopher Lewin | The “Bibliography of academic works pertaining to Manx Gaelic”, compiled by Christopher Lewin, was communicated to Glottolog by Sascha Brawer. | 128 |
ludger-paschen-germanic | Germanic References from Ludger Paschen | Bibliographical references on Germanic collected by Ludger Paschen for a revision of Germanic. Supplied to us by Ludger Paschen in January 2019. | 80 |
hedvig-tirailleur | Hedvig Skirgard's bibliography for her MA thesis on Tirailleur French | Hedvig Skirgard's bibliography for her MA thesis on Tirailleur French. Given to us by Hedvig in July 2013. | 77 |
marctang | Marc Tang's collection of references relating to nominal classification | Marc Tang's collection of references relating to nominal classification sent to us by Marc Tang in 2017. | 73 |
elpub | ELPublishing Language Snapshots and Contexts | Bibliographic records for articles in ELPublishing's Language Snapshots and Language Contexts series. | 69 |
gilbertese | Gilbertese bibliography by Fedor Alekseev | Bibliographical references relating to Gilbertese supplied by Fedor Alekseev in 2016. | 31 |
schikowski_chintang | Chintang-Puma Documentation Project | Robert Schikowski's personal bibliography of publications on Chintang. Given to us by Robert Schikowski in early 2011. | 23 |
ofdn | O Foundation | The bibliography submitted by the O Foundation in February 2022 that contains materials published both by the Foundation and works of other authors that the Foundation catalogued. | 7 |
Total: | 548890 |