(see Lewis 2009)
Retired in ISO 639-3: Merged into [cir] Tiri and named Tîrî or Méa
Excerpt from change request document:
The proposed correction to the spelling of the Tîrî name is based on better linguistic analysis and is now part of standard linguistic practice in New Caledonia, as exemplified in the sites Corpus de la Parole (a summary of languages spoken in countries associated with France, written by established linguists who have undertaken extensive work in the area) and the official Académie des langues Kanak site. They also contain further reference to more full linguistic works. The specific Corpus de la Parole site page relevant to this language is: http://corpusdelaparole.in2p3.fr/spip.php?article105
See below for amalgamation of Mea (correctly Méa) [meg] with [cir] as dialects of the same language..
The settled consensus of NC linguistic opinon, as reflected in the Corpus de la Parole site (cited above), Wurm & Hattori (1981) and Grace (1976) (bibliographic details below) is that Tîrî and Méa are dialects of the one language. New Caledonian official statistics also gives a single number of speakers for both dialects as one.
While the cover page of the Académie des langues Kanak site http://www.alk.gouv.nc/portal/page/portal/alk/langues lists Tîrî and Méa separately when listing the various languages and main dialects spoken in different custom areas, this because its aim is to celebrate local linguistic diversity. It has only a single sub-page on the language (listed under 'Hamea'-re the name, see comments under form submitted for Méa).
The composite name Tîrî-Méa as used in the Corpus de la Parole site reflects New Caledonian lingistic practice for names of languages composed of two significant dialects (eg. Nêlêmwa- Nixumwak [nee], Numèè-Kwényi
I have no particular view as to which of the two ISO codes, or a new one, should be used.