Dobu (dob-dob) = 3 (Wider communication). Native to Papua New Guinea. Adopted as a lingua franca around 19th century by the Wesleyan Mission. Spoken in central Massim, Southeast Fergusson, north Normanby, and the offshore islands of Dobu, Sanaroa, and Tewara. Used in trade, agriculture, fishing, hunting, gold mining, church, and music.
Maki (Gospel of Mark), 83 pp., (2,000) ISBN 0-64700831-9 [BSPNG]. 2nd edn. 1984, with [Noel Baloiloi, Bernard Yareki, Henry Lekesi, and Russel Anderson], trs.
Tada sawa 'ena Dobu 1 (Let's read Dobu 1) [primer], 2nd edn. 1974, 36 pp. (370) ISBN 0-7263-0262-7 [CIDA]. 3rd edn. 1975, 40 pp. (1,000) ISBN 07263-0335-6. 4th edn. 1983, (1,200) [NFELT]. 5th edn.