Labe prep school workbook: term 4, 24 pp. (200) ISBN 9980-0-0658-7 [BFDW] Neiyamani, Christopher, 1991. Inapa a latagei naka...(When I grow up...) [prep-school story book], 9 pp. (89) ISBN 9980-0-0766-4 [BFDW] Wallace, Doreka, 1991. Hinau a luhogaleya (I love my mother) [prep-school story book]
Maiwala prep school workbook: term 1-4, 24 pp. each (200 each) ISBNs 9980-0-0600-5, 9980-0-0616-1, 9980-0-0657-9, 9980-00659-5 [BFDW] Neiyamani, Christopher, 1991. Hinapa a laataghei yana...(When I grow up...) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 9 pp. (89) ISBN 9980-0-0757-5 [BFDW] Wallace, Doreka, 1991. Ampainapole (Pineapple) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 9 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0665-X [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] ___, 1991. Hinau a luhoghalei (I love my mother) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Oima ma pupula (Ant and crab) [prep-school story book], 6 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0662-5 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Kiebu, Ronah, 1991. Ginouli wakewakekena a uni (I caught something white) [prep-school story book]
Matakeke luwaga Yesu i widewadewahi (Two blind men) [Bible story], 8 pp. (75) Harry, Vineka, 1991. Awai e dewadewaya? (What is she doing?) [prep-school story book], 6 pp. (89) ISBN 9980-0-0768-0 [BFDW] Ige, Sheena, 1991. Iyo! U walo! (You are caught!) [prep-school story book], 11 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0668-4 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] John, Julie, 1991. Golumouya ma wadala (Egret and turtle) [prep-school story book]
Report on Anthropology of South-eastern Division (Excluding Woodlark Island), Engineer Group, Bosilai, East Cape, Normanby Island (South Coast), Fergusson Island (Morima)
Yabuolo ma kalapu (Ant and crab) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 6 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0666-8 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Kiebu, Ronah, 1991. Hitapa tau iyana ghaeghaena...(If I were a big fish...) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Sikulu wiyagohinana ugolina (During school holidays) [prep-school story book], 7 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0628-5 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Billy, Winnie, 1991. Geka iyawoi tulahi? (Who's friend is he?) [prep-school story book]
Wisili (Fishing) [prep-school story book], 8 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-00633-1 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Dileina, Aiva, 1991. Inapa a latagei naka (When I grow up) [prep-school story book]
Ta wigohagoha (Let's play) [prep-school story book], 8 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0647-1 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Auboti, Jayne, 1991. Itapa tau kapeuč(If I were a butterflyč) [prep-school story book]
Sikulu viyawahinana au hinena (During school holidays) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 7 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0630-7 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Billy, Winnie, 1991. Aiyai ina haguu? (Who will help me?) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Visili (Fishing) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 8 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0677-3 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Dileina, Aiva, 1991. Amdulubi (Bell-shaped fruit) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Ta vighohaghoha (Let's play) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 8 pp. (89) ISBN 9980-0-0764-8 [BFDW] Auboti, Jayne, 1991. HItapa tau kabebeu...(If I were a butterfly...) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Tolotoloiyai hi begabega (They laughed till their sides ached) [prep-school story book], 8 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0671-4 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Belito, Fred, 1991. Magisubu oinana aoao (Eagle and crow) [prep-school story book]
Omdulubi (Bell shaped fruit) [prep-school story book], 9 pp (134) ISBN 9980-0-0635-8 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Dileina, Jacob, 1991. Amau a luhogaleya (I love my father) [prep-school story book]
Tau mughaya (Crocodile daydreams) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 10 pp. (89) ISBN 9980-0-0731-1 [BFDW] Dileina, Jacob, 1991. Amau a luhoghalei (I love my father) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI
Lilivaai hi galigali (They laughed till their sides ached) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI, 8 pp. (134) ISBN 9980-0-0664-1 [Division of Education, Milne Bay Province] Belito, Fred, 1991. Magisubu oinana waaewaae (Eagle and crow) [prep school storybook], comp. by Yasuko NAGAI