Ormuri (4930-oru) = Endangered (40 percent certain, based on the evidence available) (The research reveals that before the displacement, more than 74 percent of the survey respondents spoke Ormari in their home while the remaining spoke Pashto. However, the percentage of the Ormari speaking families has declined to 70.5 at the time the data was gathered. The language loss is increased by almost 3.5 percent, showing an alarming threat to Ormari language... Since the tribes surrounding the Burki are Pashto speakers, the
inter-tribal marriages have posed challenges to the survival and purity of Ormari language. The children in these cases prefer to communicate in Pashto... The participants believe that displacement has affected their language and thus, a sharp decline can be observed in Warmaro speaking families. Figure 9.2 shows the ratio of Ormari speakers as 70.5 percent and non-Ormari speakers as 29.5 percent. As the study did not investigate which language replaced Ormari, further research is needed to uncover this aspect.)
Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University