Haspelmath, Martin and Dryer, Matthew and Gil, David and Comrie, Bernard 2005

Haspelmath, Martin, Matthew Dryer, David Gil & Bernard Comrie. 2005. The World Atlas of Language Structures. In Comrie, Bernard and Gil, David and Haspelmath, Martin and Dryer, Matthew S. (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. 712 + CDpp.

  address            = {Oxford},
  author             = {Haspelmath, Martin and Dryer, Matthew and Gil, David and Comrie, Bernard},
  booktitle          = {The World Atlas of Language Structures},
  editor             = {Comrie, Bernard and Gil, David and Haspelmath, Martin and Dryer, Matthew S.},
  key                = {Haspelmath et al. 2005},
  pages              = {712 + CD},
  publisher          = {Oxford University Press},
  title              = {{T}he world atlas of language structures},
  year               = {2005},
  citekeys           = {cldf9:8ed484e5c947bdf2eb2cca252490ee67 cldf9:ec8956637a99787bd197eacd77acce5e},
  guldemann_location = {MPI-EVA Leipzig G 3201 .E3 WOR 2005},
  ids                = {HaspelmathEtAl2005},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  isbn               = {0199255911},
  isreferencedby     = {cldf9 cldf9},
  keywords           = {Ch-3-5},
  lgcode             = {[abui1241]; [ache1246]; [agua1252]; [anii1246]; [araw1276]; [arbo1245]; [arch1244]; [arhu1242]; [arik1262]; [assa1269]; [astu1245]; [athp1241]; [atik1240]; [atsu1245]; [atzi1235]; [awac1239]; [awyi1241]; [ayor1240]; [bade1248]; [badi1247]; [baga1272]; [bagv1239]; [bais1246]; [baka1272]; [baka1277]; [balk1252]; [balt1257]; [bana1305]; [bani1255]; [bank1256]; [bara1361]; [bara1380]; [bare1276]; [bari1297]; [bath1244]; [bats1242]; [baur1253]; [bawm1236]; [belh1239]; [bell1243]; [beng1282]; [berb1259]; [bett1235]; [bezh1248]; [biak1248]; [bili1260]; [birr1240]; [bisu1244]; [bodo1267]; [bond1245]; [bong1285]; [bora1263]; [boro1277]; [boro1282]; [boru1252]; [bret1244]; [brib1243]; [brok1247]; [brun1247]; [budu1248]; [budu1265]; [bugl1243]; [buki1249]; [bulo1242]; [burj1242]; [buru1296]; [buru1320]; [buyu1238]; [byan1241]; [cabe1245]; [cacu1241]; [cadd1256]; [cahu1264]; [caml1239]; [camp1261]; [cams1241]; [cand1248]; [cane1242]; [cara1272]; [cari1279]; [carn1240]; [caro1242]; 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[east2332]; [east2337]; [east2345]; [east2534]; [east2542]; [east2545]; [egaa1242]; [embe1260]; [embe1262]; [emer1243]; [enap1235]; [engg1245]; [epen1239]; [erzy1239]; [esee1248]; [eude1234]; [even1259]; [even1260]; [fass1245]; [fore1265]; [fuln1247]; [fyam1238]; [gaga1249]; [gahr1239]; [gali1262]; [gama1251]; [gari1256]; [garo1247]; [gavi1246]; [gbay1288]; [ghod1238]; [ghul1238]; [gitx1241]; [gras1249]; [guah1255]; [guaj1255]; [guam1248]; [guan1268]; [guan1269]; [guar1293]; [guat1253]; [guay1257]; [guer1243]; [gura1251]; [guru1261]; [gwic1235]; [hadz1240]; [hais1244]; [haka1240]; [halk1245]; [hars1241]; [hata1243]; [hava1248]; [hawa1245]; [heil1246]; [hida1246]; [high1242]; [high1243]; [high1276]; [high1278]; [hinu1240]; [hixk1239]; [hmar1241]; [hoaa1235]; [hoav1238]; [hoch1243]; [holo1240]; [hopi1249]; [huaa1248]; [huam1247]; [huar1255]; [hueh1236]; [huic1243]; [hunz1247]; [hupa1239]; [hupd1244]; [idum1241]; [igna1246]; [ikkk1242]; [ingr1248]; [iowa1245]; [iqui1243]; [iran1263]; [iris1253]; [isir1237]; [isth1244]; [itel1242]; [iton1250]; [itza1241]; [ixca1245]; [ixte1237]; [jama1261]; [jang1254]; [jaqa1244]; [jebe1250]; [jeha1242]; [jeme1245]; [jica1244]; [juan1238]; [juma1249]; [juru1256]; [kach1279]; [kadi1248]; [kain1272]; [kaiw1246]; [kaki1249]; [kala1372]; [kama1373]; [kana1283]; [kana1291]; [kapi1249]; [kara1462]; [kara1464]; [kara1474]; [kara1500]; [karb1241]; [kare1335]; [kari1311]; [kari1317]; [karo1304]; [karo1305]; [kash1274]; [kash1280]; [kati1270]; [kawa1283]; [kaya1329]; [kaya1330]; [kere1280]; [kett1243]; [khak1248]; [khal1275]; [khar1287]; [khin1240]; [khow1242]; [khva1239]; [kick1244]; [kild1236]; [kili1268]; [kimm1246]; [kinn1249]; [kiow1266]; [kiri1256]; [klam1254]; [koas1236]; [koda1255]; [koit1244]; [koko1269]; [komi1269]; [komo1258]; [kond1295]; [konn1242]; [kora1292]; [kore1283]; [kork1243]; [koro1312]; [kory1246]; [kota1263]; [kove1237]; [koyu1237]; [kpan1246]; [kren1239]; [kron1241]; [krym1236]; [kryt1240]; [kuii1252]; [kuii1253]; [kulu1253]; [kuma1274]; [kumi1248]; [kuot1243]; [kusu1250]; [kute1249]; [kuvi1243]; [kwak1269]; [kweg1241]; [laal1242]; [labu1248]; [laca1243]; [lach1248]; [lada1244]; [ladi1250]; [ladi1251]; [lafo1243]; [laha1250]; [lake1258]; [lakk1238]; [lako1247]; [laom1237]; [lauj1238]; [lave1249]; [lazz1240]; [leco1242]; [lepc1244]; [lhom1239]; [lill1248]; [limb1266]; [livv1244]; [long1395]; [lonw1238]; [loth1237]; [lowe1385]; [lowl1260]; [luis1253]; [maca1259]; [maca1260]; [mach1267]; [macu1259]; [macu1260]; [maka1318]; [makl1246]; [mala1522]; [mala1533]; [male1292]; [malo1243]; [mamb1294]; [manc1252]; [mand1446]; [maon1238]; [maor1244]; [maor1246]; [mapo1246]; [maqu1238]; [mara1382]; [mari1435]; [mari1440]; [mati1255]; [maxa1247]; [maya1285]; [mayo1264]; [mbar1260]; [mehr1241]; [meno1252]; [meri1244]; [mesc1238]; [mesk1242]; [mezq1235]; [miam1252]; [mich1243]; [miju1243]; [mika1239]; [mikm1235]; [mini1256]; [misi1242]; [misk1235]; [mixt1426]; [mlab1235]; [moco1246]; [mogh1245]; [moha1256]; [moha1258]; [moki1238]; [moks1248]; [momu1241]; [mong1330]; [mono1273]; [mono1275]; [monz1249]; [mopa1243]; [morm1235]; [moro1285]; [moro1289]; [mose1249]; [motl1237]; [movi1243]; [muin1242]; [mula1253]; [mund1330]; [muns1251]; [muri1260]; [murl1244]; [muru1274]; [musl1236]; [muso1238]; [muss1246]; [nade1244]; [nana1257]; [napu1241]; [naro1249]; [narp1239]; [nauk1242]; [naur1243]; [nava1243]; [negi1245]; [nezp1238]; [ngab1239]; [ngan1291]; [ngil1242]; [ngka1235]; [niel1243]; [niha1238]; [nina1238]; [nise1244]; [nisg1240]; [niue1239]; [niva1238]; [noct1238]; [noga1249]; [noma1263]; [noon1242]; [nort1550]; [nort1552]; [nort2626]; [nort2671]; [nort2722]; [nort2723]; [nort2745]; [nort2941]; [nort2951]; [nort2952]; [nort2954]; [nort2966]; [nort2971]; [nort2972]; [nort2980]; [nort2994]; [nubi1253]; [nucl1339]; [nucl1452]; [nucl1649]; [nucl1651]; [nucl1683]; [nucl1706]; [nuka1242]; [nuku1260]; [nupo1240]; [nuuc1236]; [nyah1250]; [nyan1313]; [obok1239]; [ocai1244]; [okan1243]; [olut1240]; [omag1248]; [omah1247]; [onaa1245]; [onei1249]; [onge1236]; [onon1246]; [opat1246]; [orej1242]; [ormu1247]; [oroc1248]; [orok1265]; [osag1243]; [otor1240]; [pado1242]; [paez1247]; [pait1244]; [pali1279]; [pana1305]; [pana1307]; [papa1238]; [pare1272]; [patt1248]; [paul1238]; [paum1247]; [pawn1254]; [pech1241]; [pemo1248]; [piap1246]; [piar1243]; [piem1238]; [pila1245]; [pima1248]; [ping1243]; [pipi1250]; [pira1253]; [pira1254]; [plai1235]; [plai1259]; [play1240]; [pong1250]; [port1285]; [pota1247]; [pott1240]; [pras1239]; [puel1244]; [puin1248]; [pulu1242]; [pume1238]; [puri1258]; [qanj1241]; [qaqe1238]; [qaua1234]; [qawa1238]; [qima1242]; [quec1382]; [quil1240]; [raji1240]; [rama1270]; [raoo1244]; [rapa1244]; [rata1244]; [resi1247]; [rikb1245]; [roma1326]; [rong1264]; [rutu1240]; [saek1240]; [sakh1247]; [saki1248]; [sali1295]; [sali1298]; [sand1273]; [sanu1240]; [sars1236]; [savi1242]; [savo1255]; [sayu1241]; [scot1245]; [seke1240]; [sema1266]; [seme1247]; [sene1264]; [seri1257]; [serr1255]; [seve1240]; [shab1252]; [shat1244]; [shaw1249]; [sher1255]; [sher1257]; [ship1254]; [shor1247]; [shos1248]; [shua1254]; [shua1257]; [shug1248]; [shus1248]; [siks1238]; [sint1235]; [sipa1247]; [siri1273]; [siri1274]; [siwi1239]; [sobe1238]; [sons1242]; [sooo1256]; [soqo1240]; [sora1254]; [sout1549]; [sout2674]; [sout2694]; [sout2728]; [sout2729]; [sout2750]; [sout2866]; [sout2959]; [sout2961]; [sout2982]; [sout2989]; [sout2994]; [squa1248]; [ston1242]; [stra1244]; [subi1246]; [suen1241]; [sulu1241]; [sumi1235]; [suri1267]; [svan1243]; [taba1259]; [taba1266]; [taca1256]; [taga1278]; [taha1241]; [taia1239]; [take1255]; [talo1250]; [taly1247]; [tana1289]; [tani1257]; [tapi1253]; [tara1313]; [tari1256]; [tatu1247]; [taul1251]; [taus1253]; [tean1237]; [teda1241]; [tedi1235]; [tehu1242]; [tekt1235]; [temi1246]; [tenn1246]; [teop1238]; [tere1279]; [teri1250]; [tewa1260]; [thak1245]; [than1259]; [thao1240]; [thom1243]; [thul1246]; [ticu1245]; [tima1241]; [tina1246]; [tind1238]; [tlac1235]; [tlin1245]; [toba1266]; [toba1269]; [toda1252]; [toho1245]; [tojo1241]; [toke1240]; [toll1241]; [torw1241]; [trio1238]; [trum1247]; [tsak1249]; [tsat1238]; [tsou1248]; [tuam1242]; [tuba1278]; [tuca1252]; [tund1254]; [tusc1257]; [tuva1244]; [tuyu1244]; [udih1248]; [udii1243]; [udmu1245]; [ulch1241]; [ulit1238]; [unam1242]; [uppe1395]; [uppe1438]; [urak1238]; [urar1246]; [urav1235]; [urub1250]; [urum1249]; [uruu1244]; [utes1238]; [vafs1240]; [vedd1240]; [veps1250]; [vinm1237]; [vlax1238]; [voti1245]; [waat1238]; [waig1243]; [waim1255]; [waiw1244]; [wakh1245]; [wamb1257]; [wame1240]; [want1252]; [waor1240]; [wapi1253]; [wapp1239]; [wara1302]; [wara1303]; [ware1253]; [wari1268]; [wasc1239]; [wash1253]; [waur1244]; [waya1269]; [wayu1241]; [wayu1243]; [west2361]; [west2392]; [west2397]; [west2402]; [west2555]; [west2615]; [west2624]; [west2630]; [west2644]; [wich1260]; [wiyo1248]; [wole1240]; [woun1238]; [xava1240]; [xere1240]; [xico1235]; [xish1235]; [xokl1240]; [yagn1238]; [yagu1244]; [yaka1272]; [yama1264]; [yami1256]; [yamp1242]; [yano1262]; [yaqu1251]; [yazg1240]; [yecu1235]; [yems1235]; [yeyi1239]; [yima1243]; [yine1238]; [youl1235]; [youn1235]; [yuch1247]; [yucu1253]; [yugh1240]; [yukp1241]; [yulu1243]; [yura1255]; [yuro1248]; [yuru1263]; [zapa1253]; [zays1235]; [zeme1240]; [zena1248]; [zuni1245]; [bata1301]; [besi1244]; [east2563]; [juho1239]; [kaba1276]; [kala1373]; [sheh1240]; [taro1264]},
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Name in source Glottolog languoid
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