Jura wamp nga pek mormin mel (How the Jews lived), 92 pp. (400) ISBN 9980-0513-0 [LRF] John Ruby and Dellene STUCKY, 1988. Ik timan kel (Short stories), 47 pp. (300) ISBN 9980-00475-4 Marjorie Merritts and Dellene STUCKY with Peter Poti, comps., 1987. Mon kmp ring rorum buk 1 (Number book), 40 pp. [Western Highlands Province Non-Formal Education] [Melpa Translation Association, Al STUCKY, and Dellene STUCKY], trs., 1988. Nim nga ik kai mbuk 1 (NRS 1)
Hegemony and voice in Papua New Guinea [reviews of: Voices of conflict, by Andrew Strathern and Review of: Constructing inequality: The fabrication of a hierarchy of virtue among the Etoro, by Raymond C. Kelly]