Avo kao [pre-reading and writing workbook], 47 pp. (1,000) ISBN 0-72630773-4 [LRF] Rep. Rep. 1983. Rep. 1984, 48 pp. (1,000) ISBN 0-9980-0-0008-2. Rep. 1988 (500) ISBN 9980-0-0477-0 [CIDA]. 5th edn. 1989
Afumo yo'kalo kie: Kanite auta'ma 6 (Stories about animals) [Kanite and English diglot], 34 pp. (260). Rev. 1981 by Wesley Ate'ya with Gwen GIBSON and Joy McCARTHY as Nama, Yaka afumo yo'kalo kie: Kanite avona 6 (Kanite reading book 6: Animal and bird stories)
Yenesisi (Genesis abridgement) [above 4 items rep. as one book], 202 pp. (300). Rep. 1971 with study questions, WBT Aust., (980) [SU] [____ ,____, and ____], trs., 1970