Sign Language: Swiss-German Sign Language

Subclassification references
Comments on subclassification

Swiss-German Sign Language [swis1240] is said to be similar to German Sign Language in South Germany ( Boyes Braem, Penny and Tobias Haug and Patty Shores 2012 ):61 and there is a historical connection ( Penny Boyes Braem and Benno Caramore and Roland Hermann and Patricia Shores Hermann 2003 ):90. Israeli Sign Language [isra1236] is related to German Sign Language according to ( Meir, Irit and Sandler, Wendy 2008: 218-222 , Mahmoud Ahmad Abdel-Fattah 2016: 828 ( Woll, Bencie and Sutton-Spence, R. and Elton, F. 2001 ):29) on both lexical and historical evidence.

AES status:
Campbell, Lyle and Lee, Nala Huiying and Okura, Eve and Simpson, Sean and Ueki, Kaori 2022
Swiss-German Sign Language (7361-sgg) = Endangered (80 percent certain, based on the evidence available) (In 2006, approximately 80 percent of deaf infants were implanted, many of them at as early as thirteen months of age and the medical staff usually does not encourage parents to use sign language with their deaf child.... The number of pupils in the day and residential schools for the Deaf has been steadily decreasing over the past decade, as the large majority of Swiss deaf children who have received a cochlear implant are integrated into classes with hearing children, usually without signing support." "Many signers in these more recent deaf generations have learned sign language as adolescents from the adult Deaf community.)

(see Braem and Rathmann 2010)

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