Sign Language: Ukrainian Sign Language

Subclassification references
Comments on subclassification

Russian sign language [russ1255] (including Tajik Sign Language, see Justin Power 2020 ) is believed to be related to LSF through recruitment of teachers in the 19th century, but unconfirmed by lexical analysis ( Kagirov, Ildar and Ryumin, Dmitry and Ivanko, Denis and Axyonov, Alexander and Karpov, Alexey 2019 ):71. Russian Sign Language [russ1255], Ukrainian Sign Language [ukra1235], and Moldova Sign Language [mold1243] are closely related according to lexicostatistical analysis ( J. Albert Bickford 2005 ):40-41. Lithuanian Sign Language [lith1236] ( Danielius, Mantrimas 2004 ):10, 11, 24, 32, Mongolian Sign Language [mong1264] ( Geer, Leah 2011 ):594 and Georgian Sign Language [geor1254] ( Pfau, Roland and Tamar Makharoblidze and Hedde Zeijlstra 2022: 1 , Mahmoud Ahmad Abdel-Fattah 2016: 828 ) also derive from the soviet-era Russian Sign Language. Regarding Estonian Sign Language [esto1238], despite the low lexicostatistical percentages to other Eastern European sign languages and ASL in J. Albert Bickford (2005): 40-41 , the specific study relayed in Liivi Hollman (2016): 42-43 gives 61% on a 200-word Swadesh list, which suggest that Russian Sign Language is nevertheless the closest relative of Estonian Sign language. Shaina Mahoney (2018) is a detailed comparison of Latvian and Estonian Sign but inconclusive regarding a special relationship between the two (since no other languages are included).

AES status:
not endangered
David M. Eberhard and Gary F. Simons and Charles D. Fennig 2024
Ukrainian Sign Language (ukl-ukl) = 5 (Developing). Recognized language (2005, Law No. 2961–IV (06.10.2005)), for use in education (2008 WFD).
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