Family: Coatlan-Loxicha Zapotec

Comments on subclassification

Rosemary G. Beam de Azcona 2004 Eric W. Campbell 2017: 11-13

AES status:
Campbell, Lyle and Lee, Nala Huiying and Okura, Eve and Simpson, Sean and Ueki, Kaori 2022
Coatec Zapotec (10954) = Severely Endangered (40 percent certain, based on the evidence available) (The language is endangered in all of the towns where it is spoken, but more so in the Coatlanes than in the Loxichas. In the Coatlanes speakers are in their seventies and older but in the Loxichas there may be speakers in their fifties.)

(see Beam de Azcona 2021)

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