na 2013

Simons;, Paul M. Lewis; Gary F. & Charles D. Fennig (eds.) 2013. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th Edition. 17th edn. Dallas, Texas: SIL International.

  address        = {Dallas, Texas},
  edition        = {17th},
  editor         = {Simons;, Paul M. Lewis; Gary F. and Fennig, Charles D.},
  publisher      = {SIL International},
  title          = {Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th Edition},
  url            = {},
  year           = {2013},
  citekeys       = {cldf9:e7b6074b6404e43ad16b514806050428},
  hhtype         = {comparative (computerized assignment from "languages")},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf9},
  lgcode         = {[abaz1241]; [abom1238]; [ache1246]; [adan1251]; [agav1236]; [aimo1244]; [alsa1242]; [ando1255]; [anga1316]; [arab1268]; [arge1236]; [aura1243]; [avac1239]; [awac1239]; [ayac1239]; [bagu1252]; [bana1307]; [bani1255]; [bare1276]; [blag1240]; [boli1236]; [bond1248]; [bori1243]; [boro1282]; [cacu1241]; [cahu1268]; [caja1238]; [call1235]; [cari1279]; [chac1251]; [chai1253]; [chuk1270]; [chul1246]; [coca1259]; [coeu1236]; [colu1241]; [como1259]; [cusc1236]; [czec1253]; [deor1238]; [desa1247]; [dier1241]; [dogu1235]; [dumu1246]; [duru1236]; [ecua1243]; [enaw1238]; [fala1243]; [femb1238]; [garh1243]; [gavi1246]; [geji1246]; [guaj1256]; [guan1270]; [guar1292]; [guar1293]; [guat1253]; [guay1257]; [haka1240]; [hixk1239]; [hrus1242]; [hual1241]; [huay1240]; [idum1241]; [ikpe1245]; [iqui1243]; [iris1253]; [juma1249]; [kadi1248]; [kaga1252]; [kaiw1246]; [kama1365]; [kama1373]; [kano1245]; [kara1500]; [kari1311]; [kari1317]; [karo1305]; [kaxa1239]; [kaxu1237]; [kema1243]; [kepo1237]; [kham1290]; [krey1238]; [kulu1253]; [kumh1238]; [lamm1241]; [laos1235]; [leco1242]; [lhom1239]; [lole1239]; [luri1256]; [maku1278]; [malp1246]; [mayi1234]; [miri1270]; [mruu1242]; [murr1258]; [nava1243]; [nede1245]; [nort2951]; [nort2966]; [nort2976]; [nuku1263]; [olko1234]; [paaa1242]; [pank1249]; [pano1254]; [paum1247]; [paun1241]; [peru1235]; [pira1253]; [pras1239]; [qawa1238]; [remb1250]; [rikb1245]; [roma1328]; [saki1248]; [sama1295]; [sanf1262]; [sang1315]; [sara1331]; [semn1249]; [senh1238]; [shan1283]; [siri1274]; [sork1239]; [sout2689]; [sout2991]; [sout2996]; [suab1238]; [sunw1242]; [suru1261]; [suru1263]; [tani1257]; [tehu1242]; [tond1249]; [torr1261]; [udii1243]; [urub1250]; [urug1238]; [waer1237]; [waim1255]; [ware1253]; [wasc1239]; [wikm1247]; [yoke1238]; [zapa1253]},
  local_ids      = {92920},
  macro_area     = {Africa, Australia, Eurasia, North America, Papunesia, South America},
  src            = {cldf}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;