Sampaio, Wany Bernadete de Araujo 2001 dos Santos, Wesley Nascimento 2024: 11-16
(see Crevels 2012)
Of the languages of Tupi-Guarani subgroup VII, there is considerable overdifferentiation. Júma or Arara-Kawahib [jua], Amundava [adw], Tenharim [pah], Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau [urz] and Karipúna (if it refers to Kawahib-Karipuna) [kuq] all speak easily mutually intelligible varieties ( Sampaio, Wany Bernadete de Araujo 1997 , Claude Lévi-Strauss 1948 , Klaus-Peter Kästner 2005 , Mauro Leonel 1995 , Loukotka, Čestmír 1950 ), as also acknowledged by the E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27 entries themselves whose regions, dialects and speaker numbers overlap. Paranawát [paf] is a name for a people of the same complex met with (and attested by wordlists) by the Rondon commission ( Rondon, Cándido M. S. and de Faria, João Barbosa 1948 ). Morerebi [xmo] is an uncontacted group of the Rio Preto and Marmelos, who speak another variety of the this language, if they still exist ( Klaus-Peter Kästner 2005 ). Wiraféd [wir], also known as Tupi do Machado or Bocas Pretas, is amply attested in wordlists from the past century ( Theodor Koch-Grünberg 1932 , Čestmír Loukotka 1963 , Curt Nimuendajú 1955 , Hanke, Wanda 1953 , Curt Nimuendajú and do Valle Bentes, Euclydes Henrique 1923 ) and is hardly distinguishable from Apiaká [api] ( Curt Nimuendajú and do Valle Bentes, Euclydes Henrique 1923: 222-223 , Loukotka, Čestmír 1950 ), which also is so close that it could also count as the Kawahib-language. See also: Amundava [adw], Apiaká [api], Júma [jua], Karipúna [kuq], Morerebi [xmo], Paranawát [paf], Tenharim-Parintintin-Diahoi [pah], Wiraféd [wir].