Pite Saami (2060-sje) = Critically Endangered (100 percent certain, based on the evidence available) ("Most Pite Saami people do not use the language for reading and writing or intellectual argumentation in the academic sense, or in the public sphere. Some Pite Saami people have limited vocabulary or trouble remembering and using words
actively as they do not use the language on a daily basis" (pgs. 299-300).
"Pite Saami people who live in towns in Lapland or elsewhere are
surrounded by Swedish speakers. Even at home, Swedish tends to dominate as Pite
Saami speakers have often married a non-Saami and they have not used the language
with their children and only use it when speaking to other Saami speakers on rare
occasions" (pg. 301). "The youngest speaker of Pite Saami speaks the language to his two childrenwhen
he is at home; the children also speak the language with their grandparents, yet the two
children are going to North Saami classes at a day care center in Arjeplog. Another
interviewee said that she speaks Pite Saami with her grandchildren sometimes and
she sings to them in Pite Saami. But otherwise, we are not aware of any other children
who are exposed to Pite Saami on a regular basis at all (pg. 302). "Our impression is that many Pite Saami speakers and people of Pite Saami origin have a positive attitude towards their language and language revitalization efforts... That said, there are also those who are indifferent to the survival of Pite
and those who perhaps would want to be more active but have other commitments.
We have not heard of anyone actively supporting language shift towards Swedish but, in practice, an indifferent attitude will lead to language shift" (pg. 306).)