Moseley, Christopher 2007

Moseley, Christopher. 2007. Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages. In Moseley, Christopher (ed.) 1st edn. Abingdon: Routledge. 669pp.

  address            = {Abingdon},
  author             = {Moseley, Christopher},
  edition            = {1},
  editor             = {Moseley, Christopher},
  month              = {3},
  pages              = {669},
  publisher          = {Routledge},
  title              = {Encyclopedia of the World's Endangered Languages},
  year               = {2007},
  aiatsis_callnumber = {At National Library of Australia 4230421; RF 408.903 E56},
  citekeys           = {cldf9:66808e327dc79d135ba18e051673d906},
  copied_from        = {ll_pub},
  hhtype             = {comparative (computerized assignment from "languages")},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  isbn               = {070071197X},
  isreferencedby     = {cldf9},
  lgcode             = {[ahte1237]; [alab1237]; [aleu1260]; [arap1274]; [arik1262]; [assi1247]; [atik1240]; [atsu1245]; [babi1235]; [bear1241]; [beav1236]; [bell1243]; [bret1244]; [budu1248]; [burg1244]; [cadd1256]; [cahu1264]; [camp1261]; [cata1286]; [cayu1261]; [cent2127]; [cent2128]; [cham1309]; [cher1273]; [chey1247]; [chic1270]; [chil1280]; [chip1261]; [chit1248]; [choc1276]; [chuk1273]; [chul1246]; [coas1301]; [coco1261]; [coeu1236]; [colu1241]; [coma1245]; [como1259]; [cree1270]; [crow1244]; [cupe1243]; [djau1244]; [dogr1252]; [eyak1241]; [gari1253]; [guri1247]; [iowa1245]; [iwai1244]; [jaru1254]; [kala1377]; [kanj1260]; [kara1476]; [kaur1267]; [kaya1319]; [kitj1240]; [kuka1246]; [kuku1280]; [kuku1283]; [kumi1248]; [kunb1251]; [kunj1245]; [kurr1243]; [kuuk1238]; [kwin1241]; [lard1243]; [laru1238]; [logb1245]; [lufu1237]; [lumu1239]; [luri1256]; [madn1237]; [manc1252]; [mand1416]; [mang1381]; [mang1383]; [mara1385]; [marg1251]; [mari1417]; [mari1419]; [mari1421]; [mari1422]; [mari1423]; [mari1424]; [maun1240]; [medn1235]; [miri1266]; [mirn1245]; [mudb1240]; [mull1237]; [naka1260]; [ngal1292]; [nort1552]; [oroq1238]; [sekp1241]; [siks1238]; [sout2729]; [west2630]; [xibe1242]; [yann1237]},
  local_ids          = {414},
  macro_area         = {Africa, Australia, Eurasia, North America},
  ozbib_id           = {6903},
  ozbibreftype       = {28},
  src                = {cldf, ozbib}