Stolz, Thomas 1996

Stolz, Thomas. 1996. Some Instruments Are Really Good Companions - Some Are Not. On Syncretism and the Typology of Instrumentals and Comitatives. Theoretical Linguistics 23(1-2). 113-200.

  author         = {Stolz, Thomas},
  journal        = {Theoretical Linguistics},
  number         = {1-2},
  pages          = {113-200},
  title          = {Some Instruments Are Really Good Companions - Some Are Not. On Syncretism and the Typology of Instrumentals and Comitatives},
  volume         = {23},
  year           = {1996},
  citekeys       = {cldf1:Stolz-1996},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  iso_code       = {gwd; lzz; tik; lgg; huv; urb; quc; hch; mbp; udm; vai; mfy; mjg; ach; udi; ven; yrk; ktz; bcl; bfa; nmu; xam; ygr; mkj; kff; ilb; enq; hax; gno; cmn; tkm; tsz; kpm; inb; mrt; ute; ttr; kgp; are; efi; tli; lui; lbe; tuq; srb; mte; aer; cab; lhu; hdn; kin; hoc; knj; hup; coc; csz; tgc; tel; ggo; kpy; dzg; yiy; srm; klj; uby; urd; nll; sis; ojv; nkr; des; tab; peg; aly; kca; naq; dta; bib; mar; gbp},
  isreferencedby = {cldf1},
  lgcode         = {[acol1236]; [alya1239]; [bari1284]; [biss1248]; [cent2087]; [chem1251]; [coco1261]; [coos1249]; [daur1238]; [desa1247]; [efik1245]; [enga1252]; [gari1256]; [gaww1239]; [gbay1287]; [haid1248]; [hooo1248]; [huaa1250]; [huic1243]; [hupa1239]; [ilaa1246]; [inga1252]; [jirj1239]; [juho1239]; [kain1272]; [khan1273]; [kich1262]; [kiny1244]; [koho1244]; [kory1246]; [koya1251]; [lahu1253]; [lakk1252]; [lazz1240]; [lugb1240]; [luis1253]; [mala1522]; [mand1415]; [mara1378]; [marg1265]; [mayo1264]; [moki1238]; [mono1273]; [nama1264]; [nene1249]; [niha1238]; [nort2952]; [nuku1260]; [onto1237]; [peng1244]; [pure1242]; [sanm1287]; [sara1340]; [sius1254]; [sora1254]; [taba1259]; [take1257]; [tebu1238]; [telu1262]; [tera1251]; [tiga1245]; [tika1246]; [tlin1245]; [tupi1273]; [turk1303]; [tuuu1240]; [ubyk1235]; [udii1243]; [udmu1245]; [urdu1245]; [urub1250]; [vaii1241]; [vend1245]; [west2635]; [xamm1241]},
  macro_area     = {Africa, Australia, Eurasia, North America, Papunesia, South America},
  olac_field     = {typology; general_linguistics; semantics; syntax},
  src            = {cldf},
  wals_code      = {efi; ven; laz; ccp; moa; tgk; ila; yir; pur; gbb; tik; cmh; iga; bar; dug; kwe; tup; grf; srm; hui; juh; bkl; kng; lak; sre; hup; pen; tli; urk; acl; mok; lug; aly; kry; coo; qch; uby; udi; udm; vai; nkr; lui; mgg; tel; dgr; lah; ho; arr; ena; mne; ter; nen; khl; lga; myo; hai; nah; sor; mnd; mhi; gon; kho; des; urd; hve; mrg; xam; tbs; kin; bah; koy; tbu; tkl; siu; kty; bis; dam; hua},
  wals_ref_name  = {Stolz 1996}