Dahl, Östen 1985

Dahl, Östen. 1985. Tense and aspect systems. Oxford: Blackwell.

  address            = {Oxford},
  author             = {Dahl, Östen},
  booktitle          = {Tense and aspect systems},
  key                = {Dahl 1985},
  publisher          = {Blackwell},
  title              = {Tense and Aspect Systems},
  type               = {Bibliographical record},
  url                = {https://books.google.de/books?id=rXFpmgEACAAJ},
  year               = {1985},
  citekeys           = {cldf1:Dahl-1985 cldf2:336},
  guldemann_location = {TG /// B1 707640},
  hhtype             = {specific_feature},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  iso_code           = {bdy; ben; jav; afr; pes; swe; kjg; yor; tam; alh; bej; kal; hun; jpn; aeb; tir; ceb; ell; mlt; sot; bul; its; cmn; kmr; deu; azj; haw; ind; tur; por; fin; quh; one; azb; spa; wol; fra; aka; sun; see; tha; gug; eng; heb; zul; ron; mri; pan; amh; rus; kik; kat; kza; hin},
  isreferencedby     = {cldf1 cldf2},
  keywords           = {tense, aspect, TAM},
  lgcode             = {[afri1274]; [akan1250]; [alaw1244]; [amha1245]; [band1339]; [beja1238]; [beng1280]; [bulg1262]; [cebu1242]; [finn1318]; [hawa1245]; [hebr1245]; [hind1269]; [hung1274]; [isek1239]; [java1254]; [kala1399]; [khmu1256]; [kiku1240]; [krio1252]; [malt1254]; [mand1415]; [maor1246]; [mode1248]; [nort2641]; [nucl1301]; [nucl1302]; [nucl1347]; [nucl1643]; [onei1249]; [panj1256]; [para1311]; [port1283]; [roma1327]; [russ1263]; [sene1264]; [sout2807]; [sout2991]; [stan1288]; [stan1290]; [stan1293]; [stan1295]; [stin1234]; [sund1252]; [swed1254]; [tami1289]; [thai1261]; [tigr1271]; [tuni1259]; [west2369]; [west2466]; [yoru1245]; [zulu1248]},
  macro_area         = {Africa, Australia, Eurasia, North America, Papunesia, South America},
  olac_field         = {general_linguistics; typology; syntax},
  sortname           = {Dahl, Osten},
  src                = {cldf, fabreall2009ann, glossa, guldemann, hh, langsci},
  version            = {1},
  wals_code          = {rus; bnj; qco; hun; mnd; tny; rom; afr; akn; pan; ceb; alw; tml; prs; snc; wlf; fin; kik; bej; ise; grk; atu; swe; yor; tig; hin; fre; ind; kmu; mao; geo; mlt; por; heb; gua; bul; amh; jpn; aze; sun; haw; tha; jav; spa; kfc; zul; tur; kji; ben; grw; ger; ses; eng; ond},
  wals_ref_name      = {Dahl 1985}