Highland Ecuadorian Quichua (10851) = Vulnerable (80 percent certain, based on the evidence available) (Calderón [qud]: "shifting"; home, all ages.
Cañar Highland Quichua [qxr]: "threatened"; "Strong use of Quichua away from the road."
Chimborazo [qug]: "developing"
Imbabura Quichua [qvi]: Vigorous. All ages.
Loja [qvj]: "moribund"; Mainly older adults. Positive attitude.
Northern Pastaza Quichua [qvz]: "threatened"; Home, community, religion. All ages. Negative attitudes. Most also
use Spanish [spa]. Used as L2 by Achuar-Shiwiar [acu], Waorani [auc].
Salasca [qxl]: Home, community, agriculture. All ages. Positive attitude.
Napo Quichua [qvo]: "developing".
(Cotopaxi Quichua is not included as an entry in Ethnologue))