Details | Name | Title | Any field | ca | Year | Pages | Doctype | ca | Provider | da |
Samuel Zinabu 2013 | Documentation and Description of Subordinate Clauses in Koorete | 2013 | 127 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Yitbarek, Ejigu 1983 | The phonology of Wolayta: a generative approach | 1983 | phonology | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Yitbarek, Ejigu 1970 | ... = The verb in Wolamigna | 1970 | specific_feature | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Yisma, Tsige 2001 | The structure of simple sentences in Gofa | 2001 | specific_feature | eballiso2009, hh | ||||||
Redda Yimer, Beletu 2003 | The Morphology of Koorete | 2003 | 109 | grammar_sketch | hh | |||||
Yimam, Baye 1995 | Aspects of Zargulla Syntax | 1995 | 12 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Yilma, Aklilu 1995 | Some notes on the Chara language: Sound system and noun morphology | 1995 | 12 | grammar_sketch | sil16, weball | |||||
Yilma, Aklilu 2002 | Sociolinguistic survey report of the Chara language of Ethiopia | 2002 | 22 | socling | sil16, weball | |||||
Yesigat, Assaye 1988 | Dorze verb morphology: some inflections and derivations | 1988 | eballiso2009 | |||||||
Yeshimebet, Bogale Endale 2017 | Documentation and Grammatical Description of Zaysete Language | 2017 | 368 | grammar | hh | |||||
Yalemdesta, Mulugeta 2003 | Pronouns and pronominalization in Zayse | 2003 | eballiso2009 | |||||||
Wubneh, Bekele 2003 | Noun phrase in Ochollo | 2003 | specific_feature | eballiso2009, hh | ||||||
Selamawit Worku 2004 | The Morphology of Gamo (Ganta dialect) | 2004 | specific_feature | hh | ||||||
Wondimu, Gaga 2006 | Some aspects of sociolinguistic, phonological and morphological descriptions of Gamo (Gamotstso) dialects: A comparative approach | 2006 | 115 | socling, specific_feature | hh | |||||
Hirut Woldemariam 2010 | Oyda | 2010 | 2 | minimal | hh | |||||
Woldemariam, Hirut 2004 | Grammar of Haro with comparative notes on the Ometo Linguistic group | 2004 | 329 | grammar | cldf, hh | |||||
Hirut Woldemariam 2013 | Determining the genetic classification of Ganta within the Ometo group | 2013 | 7 | minimal, comparative | hh | |||||
Hirut Woldemariam 2004 | Gamo: A dialect variant or a group with its own dialects? | 2004 | 12 | overview, minimal, comparative | hh | |||||
Woldemariam, Hirut 2009 | Revisiting Gamo: Towards a better internal classification of the Ometo group | 2009 | 4 | overview, comparative | cldf, hh | |||||
Woldemariam, Hirut 2013 | Revisiting Gamo: Linguists' classification versus self identification of the community | 2013 | 8 | overview, comparative | hh | |||||
Hirut Woldemariam 2005 | Re-examining the position of Ganta | 2005 | 18 | minimal, comparative | hh | |||||
Hirut Woldemariam 2007 | Some Aspects of the Phonology and Morphology of Dawuro | 2007 | 52 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Wolde-Mariam, Hirut 2015 | A Grammar of Haro | 2015 | 240 | grammar | hh | |||||
Motomichi Wakasa 2023 | Wolaytta | 2023 | 26 | grammar_sketch | hh | |||||
Wakasa, Motomichi 2001 | [A vocabulary of Wolaitta] | 2001 | 48 | wordlist | eballiso2009, weball, zurich | |||||
Wakasa, Motomichi 2000 | A Vocabulary of Wolaitta | 2000 | 48 | wordlist | hh | |||||
Wakasa, Motomichi 2014 | A sketch grammar of Wolaytta | 2014 | 14 | grammar_sketch | hh | |||||
Wakasa, Motomichi 2020 | A Descriptive Study of the Modern Wolaytta Language | 2020 | grammar | hh | ||||||
Wakasa, Motomichi 2008 | A Descriptive Study of the Modern Wolaytta Language | 2008 | 1140 | grammar | cldf, glossa, hh, langsci | |||||
Van Aswegen, Jacobus Gerthardus 2008 | Language maintenance and shift in Ethiopia: the case of Maale | 2008 | 290 | socling | hh | |||||
na 2001 | A vocabulary of Wolaitta | 2001 | wordlist | cldf | ||||||
Tsehai, Berhane-Selassie 1975 | The question of Damot and Wolamo | 1975 | 9 | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Tsehai, Berhane-Selassie 1994 | The Wolayta cenception of inequality, or is it inclusiveness and exclusiveness? | 1994 | 18 | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Tsegaye, Lemma and Wubalem, Getahun 2016 | A sketch grammar of Chara language | 2016 | grammar_sketch | hh | ||||||
da Trento, Gabriele 1941 | Vocaboli in lingue dell'Etiopia Meridionale | 1941 | 5 | wordlist | eballiso2009, hh, weball | |||||
Treis, Yvonne 2014 | Interrogativity in Baskeet | 2014 | 38 | specific_feature | hh, langsci | |||||
Treis, Yvonne 2011 | "Documentation of Baskeet song, verbal art and ceremonial language" HRELP Abstract | 2011 | specific_feature | cldf | ||||||
Treis, Yvonne and Alexander Werth 2014 | Notes from the field: Baskeet phonological sketch and digital wordlist | 2014 | 23 | phonology | hh | |||||
Kassa Tilahun 2004 | Pronominal empty categories in Gamo | 2004 | 82 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Thubauville, Sophia 2005 | Maale material objects in their social and ritual context | 2005 | eballiso2009 | |||||||
Sophia Thubauville 2010 | Amity through intermarriage: Some outcomes of a workshop on intermarriage between the Maale, Aari and Banna people of Southern Ethiopia | 2010 | 16 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Aïda Leistad Thomassen 2015 | Contributions to the description of the phonology of the Bonke variety of Gamo | 2015 | 180 | phonology | hh | |||||
Theil, Rolf 2011 | Koorete segmental phonology | 2011 | 32 | phonology | degruyter, hh | |||||
Teshome, Yimer 1989 | The syntax of simple clauses in Zayse | 1989 | grammar | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Teshome, Yimer 1989 | The syntax of declarative clauses in Zayssè | 1989 | 97 | grammar_sketch | cldf, hh | |||||
Tesfu, Mahder 2003 | The Morphology of Malo | 2003 | 144 | grammar_sketch | cldf, hh | |||||
Taylor, Nicholas 1994 | Gamo Syntax | 1994 | 324 | grammar | cldf, eballiso2009, hh, langsci, mpieva, weball | |||||
Tariku, Negese 2010 | Aspects of Dauro phonology | 2010 | 79 | phonology | hh | |||||
Taddese, Wolde 1994 | Some Gamo and Konso public places and their social and ritual functions | 1994 | 15 | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Straube, H. 1963 | Westkuschitische Volker Sud-Aethiopiens | 1963 | ethnographic | cldf | ||||||
Straube, H. 1957 | Das Dualsystem und die Halaka-Verfassung der Dorse | 1957 | 12 | ethnographic | cldf | |||||
Straube, Helmut 1963 | Die Otschollo | 1963 | 5 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Straube, Helmut 1963 | Die Dorse | 1963 | 67 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Straube, Helmut 1963 | Die Dita | 1963 | 9 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Straube, Helmut 1963 | Die Borodda | 1963 | 4 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Straube, Helmut 1963 | Die Amarro | 1963 | 69 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Sottile, Roberto 2003 | Schizzo grammaticale del Basketo (Etiopia sud-occidentale) | 2003 | 303 | grammar | hh | |||||
Sommer, Gabriele 1992 | A Survey on Language Death in Africa | 1992 | 113 | overview, socling | cldf, degruyter, eballiso2009, guldemann, hh, weball | |||||
Siseraw, Dinku 1989 | Noun morphology of Kullo | 1989 | grammar_sketch | eballiso2009 | ||||||
Sintayehu, Semu Workineh 2017 | Phonology, Morphology and Syntax of Ganta | 2017 | 336 | grammar | hh | |||||
Siebert, Ralph 1995 | A survey of the Male language | 1995 | 11 | overview | eballiso2009, sil16, weball | |||||
Siebert, Ralph 2001 | Sociolinguistic survey report of the Male language of Ethiopia | 2001 | 21 | socling | eballiso2009, sil16, weball | |||||
Yilma, Aklilu and Siebert, Ralph 2002 | Sociolinguistic survey report of the Chara, Dime, Melo and Nayi languages of Ethiopia part 1 | 2002 | 11 | comparative | sil16, weball | |||||
Yilma, Aklilu and Siebert, Ralph 1995 | Survey of Chara, Dime, Melo and Nayi, part 1 | 1995 | 7 | overview | sil16, weball | |||||
Bekale Seyum 1989 | The case system in Wolayta (GB - Approach) | 1989 | 121 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Senait, Mulugeta 1984 | Pronouns in Wolayitta | 1984 | eballiso2009 | |||||||
Sellassie, Cheru 2004 | Morphology of Gofa | 2004 | specific_feature | hh | ||||||
Schütz, Julia 2006 | Kasusmarkierung im Basketo: eine Analyse im Rahmen der Distribuierten Morphologie | 2006 | 14 | grammar_sketch | eballiso2009 | |||||
Samule, Urago 1983 | Nominalization patterns in Wolayta | 1983 | eballiso2009 | |||||||
Samuel, Gonderie 2004 | Phonology of Gamo | 2004 | phonology | hh | ||||||
Dubale Sahile 2011 | Documentation and Description of Chara Verb Morphology | 2011 | 62 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Rossini, Carlo Conti 1927 | Sui Linguaggi Parlati a Nord dei Laghi Rodolfo e Stefania | 1927 | 9 | overview, wordlist | cldf, eballiso2009, hh, weball | |||||
Conti Rossini, Carlo 1936 | Contributi per la conoscenza della lingua haruro (isole del Lago Margherita) | 1936 | 59 | grammar_sketch | eballiso2009, hh, weball | |||||
ISO 639-3 Registration Authority 2007 | Change Request Number 2007-051: adopted update [zay] (2008-01-14) | 2007 | overview | iso6393 | ||||||
ISO 639-3 Registration Authority 2008 | Change Request Number 2008-080: adopted split [gmo], adopted create [dwr], adopted create [gmv], adopted create [gof] (2009-01-16) | 2008 | overview | iso6393 | ||||||
Pauli, Elisabeth 1950 | Die Splitterstämme Nördlich des Rudolfsees: Studie über wenig bekannte Völker Ost-Afrikas | 1950 | 131 | ethnographic, wordlist | cldf, hh | |||||
Judith Virginia Olmstead 1976 | Female fertility, social structure, and the economy: a controlled comparison of two southern Ethiopian communities | 1976 | 200 | ethnographic | hh | |||||
Mulugeta, Seyoum 1988 | Phonology of Zayse | 1988 | phonology | eballiso2009, hh | ||||||
Mulugeta, Seyoum 2020 | Case marking in Tsaratsa | 2020 | 14 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Moreno, Martino M. 1938 | Introduzione alla lingua Ometo | 1938 | 193 | grammar_sketch | cldf, eballiso2009, hh, mpieva, weball | |||||
Binyam Sisay Mendisu 2012 | Sketch grammar of an Omotic language: Koorete | 2012 | 14 | grammar_sketch | cldf, hh | |||||
Binyam Sisay Mendisu 2013 | A Koorete text: ɗiik'ari ʔaji ne jese? Frog, where are you? | 2013 | 11 | text | hh | |||||
Binyam Sisay Mendisu 2010 | Aspects of Koorete Verb Morphology | 2010 | 230 | grammar | cldf, hh | |||||
Binyam Sisay Mendisu 2008 | Aspects of Koorete Verb Morphology | 2008 | 236 | grammar | hh | |||||
Mahider, Tesfu 2001 | Morphology of Malo | 2001 | grammar_sketch | eballiso2009 | ||||||
da Luchon, Pasquale 1938 | Grammatica della lingua uallamo | 1938 | 88 | grammar_sketch | eballiso2009, hh, weball | |||||
na 2009 | Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) | 2009 | comparative | cldf | ||||||
Levinsohn, Stephen H. 2003 | Some observations on the storyline status of gerunds in Koorete (Omotic) | 2003 | 8 | eballiso2009, sil16, weball | ||||||
Leslau, Wolf 1958 | The languages of Ethiopia and their geographical distribution | 1958 | 6 | overview, comparative | hh | |||||
Latham, Robert Gordon 1847 | On the present state and recent progress of ethnographical philology, pt. 1: Africa | 1847 | 76 | overview | eballiso2009 | |||||
Lamberti, Marcello and Sottile, Roberto 1997 | The Wolaytta Language | 1997 | 664 | grammar | asjp2010, cldf, eballiso2009, guldemann, hh, langsci, mpieva, weball | |||||
König, Christa 2011 | Case Marking and Linguistic Geography | 2011 | 24 | dialectology | benjamins, cldf | |||||
Christa König 2006 | Marked Nominative in Africa | 2006 | 78 | specific_feature | benjamins, cldf, eballiso2009, glossa, guldemann, hh, langsci | |||||
Kokeb, Aberra 1981 | Kullo verb morphology | 1981 | specific_feature | eballiso2009, hh | ||||||
na 2001 | Ideophones | 2001 | 446 | benjamins, eballiso2009, glossa, guldemann, langsci, weball | ||||||
Linda Jordan 2009 | A study of Shara and related Ometo speech varieties of Ethiopia | 2009 | 120 | overview, comparative, wordlist | hh | |||||
Hussein Mohammed and Linda Jordan and Carol Magnusson 2015 | Survey of Zayse, Zergulla and Related Speech Varieties | 2015 | 35 | socling | hh | |||||
na 1959 | Altvölker Süd-Aethiopiens | 1959 | ethnographic | cldf | ||||||
Inui, Hideyuki 2010 | Ganjure-go to gatsuame-go no goi | 2010 | 27 | wordlist | hh | |||||
Hideyuki Inui 2005, 2006 | Basuketo-go no bunpō gaikan | 2005 | 86 | grammar_sketch | hh |