The Boran to Huitotoan comparisons of Richard P. Aschmann 1993 show irregular correspondences Frank Seifart and Juan Álvaro Echeverri 2015 and too little remains after scrutiny to conclude a Bora-Witotoan relationship Frank Seifart and Juan Alvaro Echeverri 2010 .
Details | Name | Title | Any field | ca | Year | Pages | Doctype | ca | Provider | da |
Marek Wołodźko 2010 | Indianie Bora. Ludzie koki, ampiri i tytoniu | 2010 | seifart | |||||||
na 1978 | Estudios en Andoke y Muinane | 1978 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Wise, Mary Ruth 1978 | Vocablos y expresiones medicos mas usuales en veinte idiomas vernaculos peruanos | 1978 | 126 | cldf, ldh, mpieva | ||||||
Mary Ruth Wise 1979 | Palabras y frases útiles en algunos idiomas de la selva peruana | 1979 | 126 | wordlist | hh | |||||
Whiffen, Thomas W. 1915 | The North-West Amazons: notes of some months spent among cannibal tribes | 1915 | 336 | ethnographic, overview, wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart | |||||
Weber, David 2002 | The structural status of Bora classifiers | 2002 | specific_feature | fabreall2009ann, seifart, sil16 | ||||||
de Wavrin, Robert 1996 | Bora II | 1996 | 19 | wordlist | cldf, hh | |||||
Waterhouse, Viola G. 1967 | Phonemic systems of Colombian languages | 1967 | 98 | phonology | fabreall2009ann, ldh, mpieva, sil16 | |||||
Walton, James W. 1981 | Sistemas de referencia al participante e introductores en la cláusula y el párrafo muinane | 1981 | 85 | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | ||||||
Walton, James W. 1970 | Muinane diagnostic use of narcotics | 1970 | 2 | ethnographic | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | |||||
Walton, James W. 1977 | Participant reference and introducers in Muinane clause and paragraph | 1977 | 21 | grammar_sketch | sil16 | |||||
Walton, James W. 1997 | Diccionario bilingüe : muinane-español ; español-muinane | 1997 | dictionary | ldh | ||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, Janice P. 1975 | Una gramática de la lengua muinane | 1975 | 84 | grammar_sketch | hh, seifart | |||||
Walton, James W. and Janice P. de Walton 1967 | Phonemics of Muinane | 1967 | 11 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Walton, James and Walton, Janice 1967 | Phonemes of Muinane | 1967 | 11 | phonology | cldf, phoible, sil16 | |||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1981 | Sistemas de referencia al participante e introductores en la cláusula y el párrafo muinane. Estudios en andoke y muinane: 131-179 (= SS 13) | 1981 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1979 | Muinane | 1979 | 24 | ethnographic | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | |||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1979 | Participant reference and introducers in Muinane clause and paragraph | 1979 | 21 | grammar_sketch | fabreall2009ann | |||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1981 | Los dos huérfanos. Estudios en andoke y muinane: 183-213 (= SS 13) | 1981 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Walton, J. W. and Walton, Janice P. 1975 | Una Grammatica de la Lengua Muinane | 1975 | 84 | cldf, mpieva | ||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1975 | Gramática muinane | 1975 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. 1973 | Fonemas del muinane | 1973 | 12 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Walton, James and Janice Walton 1972 | Fonemas del Muinane | 1972 | 5 | phoible, sil16 | ||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, Janice P. and Pakky de Buenaventura, Clementina 1997 | Diccionario bilingüe: muinane-español ; español-muinane | 1997 | 224 | dictionary | mpieva | |||||
Villegas V., Betty and Walton, Janice P. and Walton, James W. 1975 | Una gramática de la lengua muinane | 1975 | 84 | grammar | cldf, sil16 | |||||
Consuelo Vengoechea 2000 | Clasificación de los seres y objetos del mundo en la lengua muinane | 2000 | fabreall2009ann, seifart | |||||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 1996 | Comentarios sobre los datos de la lengua muinane recogidos por Tastevin en 1920 y datos actuales | 1996 | 10 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Vengoechea, Consuelo 2005 | Morphosyntax of Muinane: Typological remarks | 2005 | 22 | specific_feature | hh, seifart | |||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 1995 | El verbo y la dimensión del aspecto temporal em Muinane. Tesis de grado, Magister de Etnolingüística, EPG | 1995 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Vengoechea, Consuelo 1997 | Fonología de la lengua muinane | 1997 | 37 | phonology | hh | |||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 2001 | Fonología del muinane | 2001 | phonology | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 1999 | Fonología de la lengua muinane | 1999 | phonology | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 1996 | Datos actuales sobre la lengua Muinane equivalentes al documento de Tastevin | 1996 | 20 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Vengoechea, María Consuelo 2003 | Análisis de los nombres a partir del léxico del cuerpo humano en la lengua muinane | 2003 | 27 | fabreall2009ann, seifart | ||||||
de Vengoechea, Consuelo 2012 | Categorisation lexicale en muinane (Amazonie Colombienne) | 2012 | 333 | specific_feature, grammar_sketch | cldf, hh | |||||
Urueta Velandia, Gloria 1986 | El tabaco entre los indígenas muinanes del Caquetá. Tesis del Departamento de Antropología | 1986 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Uribe Piedrahíta, César 1996 | Bora I | 1996 | 5 | wordlist | cldf, hh | |||||
Thiesen, Wesley 1975 | Terminología bora de parentesco | 1975 | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | |||||||
Thiesen, Wesley 1969 | The Bora signal drums | 1969 | 3 | ethnographic | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | |||||
Thiesen, Wesley 1975 | El sistema numérico del bora (huitoto) | 1975 | sil16 | |||||||
Thiesen, Eva 1975 | Textos folklóricos de los bora (Los cuentos de nuestros antepasados 2) | 1975 | 96 | text | sil16 | |||||
Thiesen, Wesley 1975 | Un informe breve de la morfología bora | 1975 | grammar_sketch | sil16 | ||||||
Thiesen, Wesley 2008 | Gramática del idioma bora | 2008 | 132 | grammar | hh | |||||
Thiesen, Wesley 1996 | Gramática del idioma bora | 1996 | 132 | grammar | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh, langsci, ldh, mpieva, seifart, sil16 | |||||
David J. Weber and Wesley Thiesen 2001 | A synopsis of Bora tone | 2001 | fabreall2009ann, phoible, seifart, sil16 | |||||||
Weber, David J. and Thiesen, Wesley 2003 | Una sinopsis del tono bora | 2003 | 32 | sil16 | ||||||
Thiesen, Wesley and David Weber 2012 | A Grammar of Bora with Special Attention to Tone | 2012 | 583 | grammar | cldf, hh, langsci | |||||
Thiesen, Wesley and Thiesen, Eva 1975 | Fonemas del bora | 1975 | sil16 | |||||||
Thiesen, Wesley and Thiesen, Eva 1998 | Diccionario: Bora- Castellano, Castellano- Bora | 1998 | 645 | dictionary | asjp2010, fabreall2009ann, hh, ldh, mpieva, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Günter Tessmann 1930 | Die Indianer Nordost-Perus: grundlegende Forschungen für eine systematische Kulturkunde | 1930 | 863 | overview, comparative, wordlist | cldf, hh, seifart | |||||
Telban, Blaz 1988 | Grupos étnicos de Colombia | 1988 | 519 | ethnographic, overview | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Tastevin, Constant 1996 | Muinane | 1996 | 37 | wordlist | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Tastevin, Constant 1999 | Manuscritos de Constant Tastevin sobre la lengua Miraña (Amazonas) | 1999 | 132 | wordlist | hh | |||||
Londoño Sulkin, Carlos 2003 | The jaguar's ill-fated brother: the achievement of sociality and the moral connotations of perspectival imagery among the Muinane (Colombian Amazon) | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Londoño Sulkin, Carlos 1998 | Escolarizar a los muinane. Discursos sobre la convergencia de conocimientos | 1998 | 30 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Ochoa Siguas, Nancy 1985 | Los Bora del Ampiyacu: una experiencia antropológica | 1985 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Jimenez Seminario, Augusto 1924 | Bemerkungen über den Stamm der Bora Meamuyna am Putumayo, Amazonas | 1924 | 11 | ethnographic | fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart | |||||
Jimenez Seminario, Augusto 1924 | Bemerkungen über den Stamm der Bora Meamuyna am Putumayo, Amazones | 1924 | 11 | cldf | ||||||
Frank Seifart 2011 | Valency classes in Bora (Peru) | 2011 | seifart | |||||||
Frank Seifart 2000 | Tercera versión preliminar del alfabeto de la lengua miraña. Resultados de los talleres realizados en la comunidad de Puerto Remanso durante los meses de Abril y Agosto de 2000 | 2000 | seifart | |||||||
Frank Seifart 2005 | The Structure and Use of Shape-Based Noun Classes in Miraña (North West Amazon) | 2005 | 388 | grammar | cldf, guldemann, hh, langsci, ldh, mpieva, phoible, seifart | |||||
Frank Seifart 2011 | Bora loans in Resígaro (Arawakan): | 2011 | seifart | |||||||
Seifart, Frank 2010 | The Bora connector pronoun and tail-head linkage: a study in language-specific grammaticalization | 2010 | 26 | degruyter, langsci, seifart | ||||||
Seifart, Frank 2004 | Nominal classificaton in Miraña, a Witotoan language of Colombia | 2004 | 19 | cldf, zurich | ||||||
Seifart, Frank 2002 | El sistema de clasificación nominal del miraña | 2002 | 220 | fabreall2009ann, mpieva, seifart | ||||||
Frank Seifart 2008 | Pragmatic, semantic, and morphosyntactic aspects of the grammaticalization of nominal classification, with special reference to Bora-Miraña (North West Amazon) | 2008 | specific_feature | hh | ||||||
Frank Seifart 2015 | Bora drum communication | 2015 | minimal | hh | ||||||
Frank Seifart 2009 | Bora documentation | 2009 | seifart | |||||||
Seifart, Frank 1966 | Valency classes in Bora (Peru). A first approximation | 1966 | cldf | |||||||
Patrick O. Steinkrüger and Frank Seifart 2009 | Transfer of derivational morphology without borrowing of stems: Resígaro (Arawakan, Peru) and Chabacano (Creole, Philippines) | 2009 | grammar_sketch | seifart | ||||||
Frank Seifart and Juan Álvaro Echeverri 2015 | Proto Bora-Muinane | 2015 | 33 | overview, comparative | hh | |||||
Amy Roe 2014 | Phonetics and phonology of Bora tone | 2014 | 188 | phonology | hh | |||||
Paul Rivet 1911 | Affinités du Miranya | 1911 | 36 | overview, comparative | fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart | |||||
Restrepo, Juan Alvaro Echeverri 2014 | Personal communication on Muinane and Nɨpode. | 2014 | cldf | |||||||
Regúnaga, María Alejandra 2007 | Clases nominales en la lengua Miraña | 2007 | 14 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Pozzi-Escot, Inés 1998 | Lengua Bora | 1998 | 4 | cldf, zurich | ||||||
Pamela Perniss and David P. Vinson and Gabriella Vigliocco and Frank Seifart 2011 | Speaking of shape: the effects of linguistic encoding on the semantic representation of objects | 2011 | seifart | |||||||
Pamela Perniss and David P. Vinson and Gabriella Vigliocco and Frank Seifart 2008 | Modality vs. typology effects: Investigating the divide | 2008 | seifart | |||||||
Parker, Steve 2001 | On the Acoustic Qualities of Bora Vowels | 2001 | 17 | fabreall2009ann, phoible, seifart, sil16 | ||||||
Parker, Steve 2000 | Central vs. back vowels. | 2000 | 19 | langsci, phoible, seifart | ||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, Janice P. and Pakky, Clementina 1997 | Diccionario bilingüe Muinane-Español, Español-Muinane | 1997 | 224 | dictionary | cldf, hh | |||||
Jorge Novati and Irma Ruiz 1984 | Mekamunaa: estudio etnomusicolo?gico sobre los Bora de la Amazonia Peruana | 1984 | seifart | |||||||
Nies, Joyce 1976 | Suplemento A: listas comparativas de palabras usuales en idiomas vernaculos de la selva | 1976 | 81 | overview, wordlist | hh, ldh, mpieva | |||||
Morse, Nancy L. 1981 | Estudios en andoke y muinane | 1981 | 220 | sil16 | ||||||
Aldobrandino Mochi 1902, 1903 | I popoli dell'Uaupé e la famiglia etnica Miranha | 1902 | 139 | ethnographic, overview | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Sánchez S., Mauricio and Petei Miraña and Abel Rodríguez 1991 | Mirañas y muinanes | 1991 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Frank Seifart and Julien Meyer 2010 | Bora drum communication: What the study of emulated speech systems contributes to prosodic typology | 2010 | seifart | |||||||
Walton, James W. and Walton, James W. and Michael Maxwell 2000 | El idioma muinane | 2000 | 19 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Maxwell, Michael B. and Pakky, Clementina and Walton, James W. and Walton, Janice P. 2007 | Diccionario bilingüe Muinane-Español, Español-Muinane | 2007 | dictionary | sil16 | ||||||
Maxwell, Michael B. and Pakky, Clementina and Walton, James W. and Walton, Janice P. 1997 | Diccionario bilingüe Muinane-Español, Español-Muinane | 1997 | 224 | dictionary, grammar_sketch | cldf, hh, sil16 | |||||
von Martius, Carl Friedrich Philip 1867 | Wörtersammlung Brasilianischer Sprachen | 1867 | 569 | overview, wordlist | hh | |||||
na 2009 | Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) | 2009 | comparative | cldf | ||||||
Estanislao de Las-Corts 1935 | El vicariato apostólico del Caquetá (continuación) | 1935 | 18 | seifart | ||||||
Estanislao de Las-Corts 1934 | El vicariato apostólico del Caquetá | 1934 | 4 | seifart | ||||||
Estanislao de Las-Corts 1936 | Interesante comunicación (continuación) | 1936 | 13 | seifart | ||||||
Estanislao de Las-Corts 1936 | Interesante comunicación | 1936 | 11 | seifart | ||||||
na 2003 | Marqueurs de classe généraux et spécifiques en mirana | 2003 | cldf | |||||||
Theodor Koch-Grünberg 1910 | Die Miránya (Rio Yapurá, Amazonas) | 1910 | 19 | wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Martha A. Jakway 1975 | Listas Comparativas de palabras usuales en idiomas vernáculos de la selva | 1975 | 334 | overview, wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh, ldh, mpieva | |||||
Bartolomé de Igualada 1939 | Tercera excursión apostólica - 1937 | 1939 | 56 | seifart |