Parker, Steve 2000

Parker, Steve. 2000. Central vs. back vowels. Working Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session. 44. 1–19.

  author                      = {Parker, Steve},
  booktitle                   = {Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 44.},
  journal                     = {Working Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session.},
  pages                       = {1–19},
  title                       = {Central vs. back vowels.},
  url                         = {},
  volume                      = {44},
  year                        = {2000},
  citekeys                    = {langsci331:parker2000},
  inlg                        = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby              = {langsci331},
  keywords                    = {Bora, Boran, Phonology, Witotoan},
  lgcode                      = {Bora [boa]},
  macro_area                  = {South America},
  phoible_inventoryid         = {1857},
  phoible_languagecode        = {boa},
  phoible_languagename        = {Bora},
  phoible_languagevariantcode = {boa},
  src                         = {langsci, phoible, seifart}