Maba (mde-mde) = 3 (Wider communication). Originated in the mountainous Wadai region of eastern Chad in the 1800s and across its border with Sudan and Central African Republic. Mainly used within the farming community.
Notes on northern Africa, the Sahara and Soudan: in relation to the ethnography, languages, history, political and social condition, of the nations of those countries
Sammlung und Bearbeitung central-afrikanischer Vokabularien der Kanúri-, Téda-, Hausá-, Fulfúlde-, Songai-, Lógone-, Wándalá-, Bágrimma- und Maba-Sprachen / Collection of vocabularies of Central-African languages
Buraa kayangnugu masingni: mabangnu kaa, aramkitagnu kaa, faransaawiinu kan = Apprenons ces trois langues: le maba, l'arabe et le français = Khalli na ' allumu al-lughaat al-thalaatha: lughat al-maba wa al-arabiya wa al fransiya