Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel. 1856. The languages of Mosambique: vocabularies of the dialects of Lourenzo Marques, Inhambane, Sofala, Tette, Sena, Quellimane, Mosambique, Cape Delgado, Anjoane, the Maravi, Mudasu etc. drawn up from the manuscripts of Dr Wm Peters, M. Berl. Acd., and from other materials. London: Harrison & Sons. 449pp.
@book{89280, address = {London}, author = {Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel}, pages = {449}, publisher = {Harrison & Sons}, title = {The languages of Mosambique: vocabularies of the dialects of Lourenzo Marques, Inhambane, Sofala, Tette, Sena, Quellimane, Mosambique, Cape Delgado, Anjoane, the Maravi, Mudasu etc. drawn up from the manuscripts of Dr Wm Peters, M. Berl. Acd., and from other materials}, year = {1856}, bestfn = {africa\bleek_mosambique1856.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt2\africa\bleek_mosambique1856.txt}, fn = {africa\bleek_mosambique1856_o.pdf, africa\bleek_mosambique1856.pdf}, hhtype = {overview;wordlist}, inlg = {English [eng]}, jfmnote = {Contains vocabulary material for several languages, e.g. Lourenzo Marques (Ronga S54), Inhambane (Tonga S62), Sofala (Ndau S15), Tette (Nyungwe N43), Sena (N44), Quellimane (Echuwabo P34), Mosambique (Makhuwa P31), Cape Delgado (Mwani G403), Anjoane (P311), the Maravi (N31), Mudasu (?), and others.}, keywords = {;eaf;saf;mzm;lng;dct;bnt;g.403;p.25;n.31b;n.44;n.43;p.21;p.31d;p.311;p.32;p.33;p.34;s.15;s.54;}, lgcode = {Lourenzo Marques = Tsonga [tso], Inhambane of Bleek similar to Gitonga = Gitonga [toh], Sofala = Ndau [ndc], Tette = Nyungwe [nyu], Sena [seh], Quellimane = Chuwabu [chw], Mosambique/Matatan i.e. Makhuwa in Norubo two days inland from the islands of Mozambique probably = Makhuwa-Marrevone [xmc], Anjoane, Maravi = Nyanja [nya], Mudsau, Meto = Makhuwa-Meetto [mgh], Cap Delgado = Mwani [wmw], Muntu = Yao [yao]}, macro_area = {Africa}, oclc = {46284209}, src = {eballiso2009, hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
Lourenzo Marques | |
Inhambane of Bleek similar to Gitonga | |
Sofala | |
Tette | |
Sena | |
Quellimane | |
Mosambique/Matatan i.e. Makhuwa in Norubo two days inland from the islands of Mozambique probably | |
Anjoane | |
Maravi | |
Mudsau | |
Meto | |
Cap Delgado | |
Muntu |