Blanchon, Jean Alain 1999

Blanchon, Jean Alain. 1999. Douze études sur les langues du Gabon et du Congo-Brazzaville. (LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics, 33.) München & Newcastle: München: Lincom. 200pp.

  address                 = {München & Newcastle},
  author                  = {Blanchon, Jean Alain},
  pages                   = {200},
  publisher               = {München: Lincom},
  series                  = {LINCOM Studies in African Linguistics},
  title                   = {Douze études sur les langues du Gabon et du Congo-Brazzaville},
  volume                  = {33},
  year                    = {1999},
  bestfn                  = {africa\blanchon_gabon-congo1999v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt                 = {ptxt2\africa\blanchon_gabon-congo1999v2_o.txt},
  class_loc               = {PL8021},
  document_type           = {B},
  fn                      = {africa\blanchon_gabon-congo1999v2_o.pdf, africa\blanchon_douze-gabon1999.pdf, africa\blanchon_gabon-congo1999_o.pdf, africa\blanchon_gabon-congo1999.pdf},
  german_subject_headings = {Gabun, Sprache, Aufsatzsammlung, Kongo <Republik>, Gabun – Sprache – Aufsatzsammlung – Kongo <Republik>},
  hhtype                  = {overview;specific_feature},
  inlg                    = {French [fra]},
  isbn                    = {9783895866050},
  jfmnote                 = {Contains revisions and reprints of articles earlier published in the journal 'Pholia'. Deals with Mpongwe B11a, Eshira B41, Massango B42, Pounou B43, Loumbou B44, Nzèbi B52, Lempiini B601, Obamba B62, Vili H12, Yoombi H16c, Laadi H16f and Isangu B42.},
  keywords                = {;caf;gbn;cng;lng;lxl;grm;phn;tnl;rcn;bnt;b.11a;b.41;b.43;b.44;b.52;b.601;b.62;h.12;h.16c;h.16f;},
  lgcode                  = {Lumbu [lup], Vili H12 [vif], Kiyoombi H12b of Mabiala = Yombe = Vili [vif], I-Sangu = Sangu (Gabon) [snq], Nzèbi de Mbigou = Inzebi = Njebi [nzb], Pounou, Mpongwè, Laadi = Laari [ldi], Eshira = Sira [swj], Massango de Mbigou, Lempiini = Ombamba = Mbere [mdt]},
  macro_area              = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf   = {PL 8021 BLA 1999},
  notes                   = {Contains revisions and reprints of articles earlier published in the journal 'Pholia'. Deals with Mpongwe (B11), Eshira (B41), Massango (B42), Pounou (B43), Loumbou (B44), Nzébi (B52), Lempiini (B62), Obamba (B62), Vili (H12), Yoombi (H16c), Laadi (H16f) and Isangu (B42).},
  oclc                    = {41559723},
  src                     = {eballiso2009, hh, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings        = {Gabon–Languages, Congo (Brazzaville)--Languages, Gabon–Languages – Congo (Brazzaville)--Languages}