Maho, Jouni F. 1998

Maho, Jouni F. 1998. Few People, Many Tongues: The Languages of Namibia. Windhoek, Namibia: Gamsberg Macmillan. x+222pp.

  address                 = {Windhoek, Namibia},
  author                  = {Maho, Jouni F.},
  pages                   = {x+222},
  publisher               = {Gamsberg Macmillan},
  title                   = {Few People, Many Tongues: The Languages of Namibia},
  year                    = {1998},
  bestfn                  = {africa\maho_namibia1998v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt                 = {ptxt2\africa\maho_namibia1998v2_o.txt},
  cfn                     = {africa\maho_namibia1998_o.pdf},
  citekeys                = {cldf9:6e66329891cbb9adb1966e44379cfadf},
  class_loc               = {PL8021},
  copied_from             = {HHOLD},
  delivered               = {africa\maho_namibia1998_o.pdf},
  document_type           = {B},
  fn                      = {africa\maho_namibia1998v2_o.pdf, africa\maho_namibia1998_o.pdf, africa\maho_namibia1998.pdf},
  german_subject_headings = {Namibia, Sprachtypologie, Bantusprachen, Khoisana-Sprachen, Namibia – Sprachtypologie – Bantusprachen – Khoisana-Sprachen},
  guldemann_location      = {TG},
  hhtype                  = {overview},
  inlg                    = {English [eng]},
  isbn                    = {9789991600864},
  isreferencedby          = {cldf9},
  jfmnote                 = {Survey of the linguistic typology and the sociolinguistics of the Namibian languages. Revision (heavy) of Maho (1993).},
  keywords                = {;saf;nmb;lng;scl;grm;phn;lgp;bnt;k.21;k.401;k.402;k.42;k.33;k.331;k.332;k.333;r.21;r.22;r.23;r.31;r.311;r.41a;s.31;w.100;w.211;w.311;w.311b;w.320;w.330;y.211;y.231;y.231a;y.241;y.242e;y.351;},
  lgcode                  = {Subiya [sbs], Kwambi [kwm], Kwangali [kwn], Yeyi [yey], Naro [nhr], Namibian Xoon = W Xoon = West Taa [NOCODE_West-Taa], Hai//om [hgm], Tswana [tsn], Kxoe [xuu], Zemba [dhm], Ndonga [ndo], Mbukushu [mhw], //Ani [hnh], Nama (Namibia) [naq], Kuanyama [kua], Fwe [fwe], Lozi [loz], Diriku [diu] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  local_ids               = {5099},
  macro_area              = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf   = {PL 8021 MAH 1998},
  notes                   = {Survey of the linguistic typology and the sociolinguistics of the Namibian languages. Revision (heavy) of Maho (1993).},
  oclc                    = {41185373},
  src                     = {cldf, eballiso2009, guldemann, hh, langsci, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings        = {Bantu languages–Namibia, Khoisan languages–Namibia, Namibia–Languages, Bantu languages–Namibia – Khoisan languages–Namibia – Namibia–Languages}