Alexandre, Pierre & Jacques Binet. 1958. Le groupe dit pahouin: fang-boulou-beti. (Monographies ethnologiques africaines; Ethnographic survey of Africa, Western Africa, French series, 6.) Paris: Presses Universitaires de France; International African Inst. (IAI). vi+152pp.
@book{88258, address = {Paris}, author = {Alexandre, Pierre and Binet, Jacques}, key = {Alexandre and Binet (1958)}, pages = {vi+152}, publisher = {Presses Universitaires de France; International African Inst. (IAI)}, series = {Monographies ethnologiques africaines; Ethnographic survey of Africa, Western Africa, French series}, title = {Le groupe dit pahouin: fang-boulou-beti}, volume = {6}, year = {1958}, bestfn = {africa\alexandre-binet_pahouin1958_o.pdf}, besttxt = {ptxt2\africa\alexandre-binet_pahouin1958_o.txt}, cfn = {africa\alexandre-binet_pahouin1958_o.pdf}, citekeys = {cldf5:alexandreandbinet1958}, fn = {africa\alexandre-binet_pahouin1958.pdf, africa\alexandre-binet_pahouin1958_o.pdf}, hhtype = {overview;comparative}, inlg = {French [fra]}, isreferencedby = {cldf5}, keywords = {;waf;caf;gbn;eqg;cmr;ant;bnt;a.75;a.74a;a.701;}, lgcode = {Fang = Fang (Equatorial Guinea) [fan], Ntoumou, Mvae = Fang [fan], Osyeba = Makina = Shiwa [NOCODE_Shiwa], Boulou = Bulu (Cameroon) [bum], Zaman, Yengono, Yesum-Yebekanga, Ewondo [ewo], Bane, Fong, Mbida-Mbane et Mvog-Nyenge, Eton, Mangisa, Yekaba, Bamvele, Evuzok, Batchange, Omvang, Yetudi}, macro_area = {Africa}, oclc = {1697611}, src = {cldf, eballiso2009, hh} }
Name in source | Glottolog languoid |
Fang | |
Ntoumou | |
Mvae | |
Osyeba = Makina | |
Boulou | |
Zaman | |
Yengono | |
Yesum-Yebekanga | |
Ewondo | |
Bane | |
Fong | |
Mbida-Mbane et Mvog-Nyenge | |
Eton | |
Mangisa | |
Yekaba | |
Bamvele | |
Evuzok | |
Batchange | |
Omvang | |
Yetudi |