Hayward, Richard J. and Tsuge, Yoichi 1998

Hayward, Richard J. & Yoichi Tsuge. 1998. Concerning Case in Omotic. Afrika und Übersee 81(1). 21-38.

  author           = {Hayward, Richard J. and Tsuge, Yoichi},
  journal          = {Afrika und Übersee},
  number           = {1},
  pages            = {21-38},
  title            = {Concerning Case in Omotic},
  volume           = {81},
  year             = {1998},
  fn               = {africa\hayward-tsuge_omotic1998.pdf},
  hhtype           = {overview;comparative},
  keywords         = {;nea;eth;lng;grm;smn;x.400;},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {nea, etp, lng, grm, smn, x.400}