Wiesemann, Ursula 1964

Wiesemann, Ursula. 1964. Phonological syllables and words in Kaingang. In H. Becher (ed.), Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Südamerikas, Festgabe für H, 1. Baldus: 307-313. Hannover.

  address    = {Baldus},
  author     = {Wiesemann, Ursula},
  booktitle  = {Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Südamerikas, Festgabe für H},
  editor     = {H. Becher},
  pages      = {1},
  publisher  = {307-313. Hannover},
  title      = {Phonological syllables and words in Kaingang},
  year       = {1964},
  country    = {Brazil [BR]},
  hhtype     = {phonology (computerized assignment from "phonological")},
  lgcode     = {Kaingang [kgp]},
  macro_area = {South America},
  sil_id     = {12724},
  src        = {fabreall2009ann, sil16},
  subject    = {Syllables [SYL]}