Bradshaw, Mary M. 1994

Bradshaw, Mary M. 1994. The independent development of mid tone in Suma. In Ingemann, Frances (ed.), Proceedings of the 1994 mid-America linguistic conference (MALC), 411-425. Lawrence KS: Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

  address          = {Lawrence KS},
  author           = {Bradshaw, Mary M.},
  booktitle        = {Proceedings of the 1994 mid-America linguistic conference (MALC)},
  editor           = {Ingemann, Frances},
  journal          = {Proceedings of the mid-American linguistics conference},
  pages            = {411-425},
  publisher        = {Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas},
  title            = {The independent development of mid tone in Suma},
  type             = {Book Section},
  volume           = {1994},
  year             = {1994},
  bestfn           = {africa\bradshaw_suma-mid-tone1994_o.pdf},
  besttxt          = {ptxt2\africa\bradshaw_suma-mid-tone1994.txt},
  fn               = {africa\bradshaw_suma-mid-tone1994.pdf, africa\bradshaw_suma-mid-tone1994_o.pdf},
  hhtype           = {comparative;minimal},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  keywords         = {;caf;car;lng;phn;tnl;rcn;u.418;},
  lgcode           = {Suma [sqm] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {caf, car, lng, phn, tnl, rcn, u.418}