Vansina, Jan 1995

Vansina, Jan. 1995. New Linguistic Evidence and 'the Bantu Expansion'. Journal of African History 36(2). 173-195.

  author             = {Vansina, Jan},
  journal            = {Journal of African History},
  number             = {2},
  pages              = {173-195},
  title              = {New Linguistic Evidence and 'the Bantu Expansion'},
  url                = {},
  volume             = {36},
  year               = {1995},
  bestfn             = {africa\vansina_bantu1995.pdf},
  besttxt            = {ptxt2\africa\vansina_bantu1995_o.txt},
  cfn                = {africa\vansina_bantu1995_o.pdf},
  fn                 = {africa\vansina_bantu1995_o.pdf, africa\vansina_bantu1995.pdf},
  guldemann_location = {TG (+pdf)},
  hhtype             = {overview;comparative},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  keywords           = {;caf;eaf;saf;hst;lng;lcl;bnt;},
  macro_area         = {Africa},
  src                = {eballiso2009, guldemann, hh, weball},
  subject_headings   = {caf, eaf, saf, hst, lng, lcl, bnt, 0.00}