Stanley, Carol 1982

Stanley, Carol. 1982. Direct and reported speech in Tikar narrative. Studies in African Linguistics 13(1). 31-52.

  author             = {Stanley, Carol},
  journal            = {Studies in African Linguistics},
  number             = {1},
  pages              = {31-52},
  title              = {Direct and reported speech in Tikar narrative},
  volume             = {13},
  year               = {1982},
  citekeys           = {cldf3:5634},
  country            = {Cameroon [CM]},
  guldemann_location = {TG},
  inlg               = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby     = {cldf3},
  keywords           = {;waf;caf;cmr;lng;grm;smn;t.101;},
  lgcode             = {[tika1246]},
  macro_area         = {Africa},
  sil_id             = {16622},
  src                = {cldf, eballiso2009, guldemann, sil16, weball, zurich},
  subject            = {Discourse analysis [DAN]},
  subject_headings   = {waf, caf, cmr, lng, grm, smn, t.101},
  zurichcode         = {Tikar [TIK]}