Dunlop, Britt and Gessner, Suzanne and Herbert, Tracey and Parker, Aliana 2018

Dunlop, Britt, Suzanne Gessner, Tracey Herbert & Aliana Parker. 2018. Report on the status of B.C. First Nations Languages. 3rd edn. Brentwood Bay, B.C.: First People's Cultural Council.

  address        = {Brentwood Bay, B.C.},
  author         = {Dunlop, Britt and Gessner, Suzanne and Herbert, Tracey and Parker, Aliana},
  edition        = {3},
  institution    = {First Peoples' Cultural Council},
  publisher      = {First People's Cultural Council},
  title          = {Report on the status of B.C. First Nations Languages},
  year           = {2018},
  citekeys       = {cldf9:4618b76bc6d8287e67eddf8132b942fa},
  hhtype         = {comparative (computerized assignment from "languages")},
  inlg           = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby = {cldf9},
  lgcode         = {[babi1235]; [beav1236]; [bell1243]; [chil1280]; [como1259]; [diti1235]; [gitx1241]; [hais1244]; [halk1245]; [heil1246]; [kask1239]; [kute1249]; [kwak1269]; [lill1248]; [nisg1240]; [nucl1649]; [nuuc1236]; [okan1243]; [plai1258]; [sech1246]; [seka1250]; [shus1248]; [sout2959]; [sout2962]; [squa1248]; [stra1244]; [tahl1239]; [thom1243]; [tlin1245]; [west1510]},
  local_ids      = {99507},
  macro_area     = {North America},
  src            = {cldf, glossa, langsci}