Appleyard, John Whittle 1847

Appleyard, John Whittle. 1847. Euphonic concord, general remarks; The Congo and Damara dialects; The Sechuana dialects; The Kaffir dialects; Unclassified dialects of the allitteral class. The South African Christian watchman and missionary magazine 3-7.

  author     = {Appleyard, John Whittle},
  journal    = {The South African Christian watchman and missionary magazine},
  title      = {Euphonic concord, general remarks; The Congo and Damara dialects; The Sechuana dialects; The Kaffir dialects; Unclassified dialects of the allitteral class},
  volume     = {3-7},
  year       = {1847},
  hhtype     = {specific_feature (computerized assignment from "concord")},
  inlg       = {English [eng]},
  jfmnote    = {Five articles spread over several issues. Details wanting. The 'dialects' of the allitteral class (i.e. the Bantu languages) are divided into four branches, viz. Congo (= Kikongo), Damara (Herero), Sechuana (Sotho-Tswana), and Kafir (Nguni). To these, the author adds an unclassified category comprising Yao, Swahili, Kamba, and Kauma (cfr Doke 1960).},
  keywords   = {;caf;nea;eaf;saf;nmb;drc;rsa;lst;bts;tnz;mlw;mzm;kny;lng;grm;ncl;bnt;h.16;r.31;s.31;s.32;s.33;s.41;s.42;s.44;p.21;g.40;e.72b;e.55;},
  lgcode     = {Tswana [tsn], Pedi [nso], North Ndebele [nde], Xhosa [xho], Kamba (Kenya) [kam], Yao [yao], Southern Sotho [sot], Giryama [nyf], Zulu [zul] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area = {Africa},
  src        = {eballiso2009}


Name in source Glottolog languoid
North Ndebele
Kamba (Kenya)
Southern Sotho
Zulu (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)]