Boyd, Raymond and Pasch, H. 1988

Boyd, Raymond & H. Pasch. 1988. Le Groupe Sere-Ngbaka-Mba. In Moñino, Yves (ed.), Lexique comparatif des langues oubanguiennes, 51-58. Paris: Geuthner.

  address          = {Paris},
  author           = {Boyd, Raymond and Pasch, H.},
  booktitle        = {Lexique comparatif des langues oubanguiennes},
  editor           = {Moñino, Yves},
  pages            = {51-58},
  publisher        = {Geuthner},
  title            = {Le Groupe Sere-Ngbaka-Mba},
  year             = {1988},
  bestfn           = {africa\boyd-pasch_sere-ngbaka-mba1988_o.pdf},
  besttxt          = {ptxt\africa\boyd-pasch_sere-ngbaka-mba1988.txt},
  cfn              = {africa\boyd-pasch_sere-ngbaka-mba1988_o.pdf},
  fn               = {africa\boyd-pasch_sere-ngbaka-mba1988_o.pdf, africa\boyd-pasch_sere-ngbaka-mba1988.pdf, africa\monino_lexique-oubanguiennes1988.pdf, africa\monino_lexique-oubanguiennes1988v2.pdf, africa\monino_lexique-oubanguiennes1988pages.pdf},
  hhtype           = {overview},
  inlg             = {French [fra]},
  keywords         = {;caf;drc;car;lng;lcl;u.430;u.440;u.460;u.470;},
  lgcode           = {Boraka = Gbanziri-Boraka [gbg], Mba [mfc], Ngbaka, Sere [swf]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  src              = {eballiso2009, hh, weball},
  subject_headings = {caf, drc, car, lng, lcl, u.430, u.440, u.460, u.470}