Meeussen, Achille E. 1976

Meeussen, Achille E. 1976. Notes sur la tonalité du nom en laadi. In Jacquot, A. and A. E. Meeussen and H. C. Grégoire (eds.), Etudes bantoues 2, 79-86. Paris: SELAF.

  address               = {Paris},
  author                = {Meeussen, Achille E.},
  booktitle             = {Etudes bantoues 2},
  editor                = {Jacquot, A. and A. E. Meeussen and H. C. Grégoire},
  pages                 = {79-86},
  publisher             = {SELAF},
  series                = {Bibliothèque de la SELAF},
  title                 = {Notes sur la tonalité du nom en laadi},
  volume                = {53},
  year                  = {1976},
  document_type         = {CH},
  guldemann_location    = {B1 Ser.20205-53 /// K2 LZ/76},
  hhtype                = {grammar_sketch (computerized assignment from "notes")},
  inlg                  = {French [fra]},
  keywords              = {;caf;cng;lng;phn;tnl;bnt;h.16f;},
  lgcode                = {Laari [ldi] (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {bound with PL 8025 ÉTU - 2},
  src                   = {eballiso2009, guldemann, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings      = {caf, cng, lng, phn, tnl, bnt, h.16f}