Family: Kwomtari-Nai

Family membership references
Comments on family membership

Laycock never presented real evidence for a Kwomtari-Baibai-Pyu family Laycock, Donald C. 1975 . The membership is Kwomtari [kwo], Biaka/Nai [bio] and not Fas [fqs] as many sources have erroneously repeated Thomas Honeyman 2017: 6-10 . It is clear from the data collected so far Wietze Baron 1983 that Guriaso [grx] shares no more lexical cognates with Kwomtari and Biaka than expected at random, and that's not even when borrowing is discounted (Kwomtari neighbours Guriaso). Further correspondences presented are merely typological or random enough to make Japanese a Kwomtari language Wietze Baron 1983: 29 .

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