Details | Name | Title | Any field | ca | Year | Pages | Doctype | ca | Provider | da |
Mosquera Z., Moisés Segundo 1940 | Shimigae, quechua y castellano. El Oriente Dominicano, año 13, no 91: 324-325; 92: 357-358; 93: 384-385; año 14, no 94: 21-22 | 1940 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Mosquera Z., Moisés Segundo 1939 | Apuntes sobre el shimigae | 1939 | 2 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Wise, Mary Ruth 2005 | Apuntes sobre las lenguas Záparos- familia que se extingue | 2005 | 19 | overview, comparative | cldf, hh, phoible, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Mary Ruth Wise 1979 | Palabras y frases útiles en algunos idiomas de la selva peruana | 1979 | 126 | wordlist | hh | |||||
Wise, Mary Ruth 2002 | Applicative affixes in Peruvian Amazonian languages | 2002 | 16 | comparative | fabreall2009ann, sil16, zurich | |||||
Waterhouse, Viola G. 1963 | Studies in Peruvian Indian languages 1 | 1963 | 227 | comparative | sil16 | |||||
Stacey Vu 2021 | The Phonetics of Iquito Lexical Tones | 2021 | 47 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Villarejo, Avencio 1959 | La selva y el hombre | 1959 | 252 | overview | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Villarejo, Avencio 1943 | Así es la Selva | 1943 | 266 | ethnographic, overview | cldf, hh | |||||
Villarejo, Avencio 1959 | Idiomas y dialectos antiguos y actuales | 1959 | 10 | overview, wordlist | hh | |||||
Veigl, Franciscus Xavier 1788, 1789 | Status provinciae maynensis in America meridionali, ad annum usque 1768 brevi narratione descriptus | 1788 | 300 | overview | hh | |||||
Luis M. Uriarte 1976 | Poblaciones Nativas de la Amazonía Peruana | 1976 | 50 | overview, comparative | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Author unknown. 1959 | Estudios acerca de las lenguas huarani (auca), shimigae y zapara | 1959 | 48 | comparative | sil16 | |||||
Günter Tessmann 1930 | Die Indianer Nordost-Perus: grundlegende Forschungen für eine systematische Kulturkunde | 1930 | 863 | overview, comparative, wordlist | cldf, hh, seifart | |||||
Sullón Acosta, Karina Natalia 2005 | El acento y tono en la lengua Iquito | 2005 | 103 | phonology | hh, ldh, mpieva | |||||
na 1981 | Cohesion y enfoque en textos y discursos | 1981 | 2 | text | ldh, mpieva | |||||
Stark, John Eldon 1990 | Linguistic Trade-In: Language Change Patterns Among the Arabela (Peru) | 1990 | 100 | socling | fabreall2009ann, hh, mpieva, sil16 | |||||
Stark, John E. 1990 | Linguistic trade in: language change patters among the Arabela | 1990 | 97 | mpieva | ||||||
Louisa R. Stark 1985 | Indigenous Languages of Lowland Ecuador: History and Current Status | 1985 | 37 | overview, comparative | fabreall2009ann, guldemann, hh | |||||
Paul Rivet 1930 | Contribution á l'etude des tribus indiennes de l'orient Equatorien | 1930 | 15 | overview, comparative, wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Rich, Furne 1973 | Textos arabela II | 1973 | text | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Rich, Furne 1958 | Textos arabela I | 1958 | text | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Rich, Roland 1981 | Técnicas de narración arabela con referencia a tiempo y aspecto | 1981 | 32 | fabreall2009ann, sil16 | ||||||
Rich, Rolland 1975 | Sufijos verbales y apuntes gramaticales sobre el idioma arabela | 1975 | 36 | grammar_sketch | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Rich, Roland 1958-73 | Comparison of some shimigae and arabela forms (Andoa) | 1958 | comparative | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Rich, Furne 1963 | Arabela phonemes and high-level phonology | 1963 | 14 | phonology | cldf, fabreall2009ann, phoible, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Rich, Rolland 1999 | Diccionario Arabela-Castellano | 1999 | 643 | dictionary, grammar_sketch | asjp2010, cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh, langsci, ldh, mpieva, phoible, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Rich, Furne and Roland Rich 1955-74 | Arabela vocabulary | 1955 | wordlist | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Rich, Furne and Rich, Furne and A. Rosero 1972 | Textos y concordancias de palabras en arabela | 1972 | text | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Reeve, Mary-Elizabeth 1985 | Identity as process: The meaning of Runapura for Quichua speakers of the Curaray river, Eastern Ecuador | 1985 | 290 | ethnographic, overview | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
CABECERAS AID PROJECT 2002 | Datos del idioma iquito | 2002 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Gómez Rendón, Jorge and Proaño, Diana Carolina Salazar 2015 | La lengua andwa: una experiencia en documentación y reapropriación lingüística a través de la educación | 2015 | 14 | cldf | ||||||
Pozzi-Escot, Inés 1998 | Lengua iquito | 1998 | 3 | cldf, zurich | ||||||
Pozzi-Escot, Inés 1998 | Lengua arabela | 1998 | 3 | cldf, zurich | ||||||
Pike, Kenneth L. 1957 | Abdominal pulse types in some Peruvian languages | 1957 | 6 | comparative | fabreall2009ann, otomanguean, sil16 | |||||
Peeke, Catherine 1953 | Análisis tentativo de la morfología andoa | 1953 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Peeke, Catherine 1952 | Shimigae verb stems | 1952 | specific_feature | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Peeke, Catherine 1959 | Shimigae, idioma que se extingue | 1959 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Peeke, Catherine M. 1954 | Shimigae, idioma que se extingue | 1954 | 9 | minimal | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Peeke, M. Catherine and Sargent, Mary 1959 | Pronombres personales en shimigae | 1959 | 14 | specific_feature | hh, sil16 | |||||
Peeke, M. Catherine and Sargent, Mary 1953 | Pronombres personales en andoa | 1953 | 10 | wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh, sil16 | |||||
Peeke, Catherine and Peeke, Catherine 1959 | Personal pronouns in shimigae | 1959 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Buenaño Olivo, Julio C. 2014 | Importancia histórica, social, política y económica de la población arabela | 2014 | 18 | cldf | ||||||
Michael, Lev 2003 | Posposiciones: aspectos de su sintaxis | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Michael, Lev 2014 | Personal communication about Iquito | 2014 | cldf | |||||||
Michael, Lev 2011 | The interaction of tone and stress in the prosodic system of Iquito (Zaparoan, Peru) | 2011 | 22 | minimal | hh | |||||
Michael, Lev 2009 | Clause linking in Iquito (Zaparoan) | 2009 | 22 | specific_feature | hh, phoible | |||||
Michael, Lev 2003 | La fusión fonológica en el idioma Iquito (Familia Záparo, Amazonía peruana) | 2003 | comparative | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Julian H. Steward and Alfred Métraux 1948 | Tribes of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian Montaña | 1948 | 122 | ethnographic, overview | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
von Martius, Carl Friedrich Philip 1867 | Wörtersammlung Brasilianischer Sprachen | 1867 | 569 | overview, wordlist | hh | |||||
León, Agustín M. 1928, 1929 | Breve vocabulario de las principales lenguas que se hablan en los diferentes pueblos y jibarías de la Prefectura Apostólica de Canelos y Macas | 1928 | 108 | wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Latham, Robert Gordon 1862 | Elements of comparative philology | 1862 | 820 | overview, comparative, wordlist | eballiso2009, evobib, hh, ozbib | |||||
I-Wen Lai 2009 | Time in the Iquito Language | 2009 | 629 | grammar | cldf, hh | |||||
I-Wen Lai 2006 | Fundamental Aspects of the Iquito Language | 2006 | specific_feature | hh | ||||||
Martha A. Jakway 1975 | Listas Comparativas de palabras usuales en idiomas vernáculos de la selva | 1975 | 334 | overview, wordlist | fabreall2009ann, hh, ldh, mpieva | |||||
Huamancayo Curi, Edinson Ysrael 2003 | Resolución de hiatus vocal preverbal | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Huamancayo Curi, Edinson Ysrael 2005 | La formación de palabras mediante la derivación en Iquito | 2005 | 190 | specific_feature | hh, mpieva | |||||
P. van Hooff 1894 [1772] | Bij de Yquitos voor 150 jaren | 1772 | 4 | minimal | hh | |||||
Duche Hidalgo, Carlos 2005 | Los Andoas: Kandwash Ajustushkani | 2005 | 98 | wordlist | cldf, hh | |||||
Hansen, Cynthia Anderson 2018 | Subordinate and interrogative clause negation in Iquito | 2018 | 45 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Hansen, Cynthia Anderson 2011 | Expressing reality status through word order: Iquito irrealis constructions in typological perspective | 2011 | 349 | text, specific_feature | hh | |||||
Cynthia Irene Anderson Hansen 2006 | Adverbs and Phrase Structure in Iquito | 2006 | 104 | specific_feature | hh | |||||
Hallett, Taryne 2007 | A paradigm of event modality: The Iquito continuum | 2007 | specific_feature | hh | ||||||
na 2013 | Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th Edition | 2013 | comparative | cldf | ||||||
England, Nora 2003 | "Iquito Language Documentation Project" HRELP Abstract | 2003 | cldf | |||||||
Elson, Benjamin Franklin 1963 | Studies in Peruvian Indian Languages I | 1963 | 227 | comparative | fabreall2009ann, ldh, mpieva | |||||
Eastman, Robert 1963-64 | Iquito texts I-II. IC 110 y 361 (545 pp.) | 1963 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Eastman, Elizabeth and Eastman, Robert 1963 | Iquito syntax | 1963 | 48 | grammar_sketch | cldf, fabreall2009ann, hh, seifart, sil16 | |||||
Eastman, Robert and Eastman, Elizabeth 1963 | Supplementary notes on Iquito grammar. IC 109, rollo 6 | 1963 | 16 | grammar | fabreall2009ann | |||||
Eastman, Robert and Eastman, Betty and Powlison, Esther 1976 | Fonología del idioma iquito | 1976 | 19 | phonology | fabreall2009ann | |||||
Curi, Huamancayo 2005 | La formación de palabras mediante la derivación en Iquito | 2005 | ldh | |||||||
de Cultura, Ministerio nd | Base de Datos de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios | cldf | ||||||||
Mily Crevels 2007 | South America | 2007 | 94 | overview, socling | cldf, hh | |||||
Mily Crevels 2012 | Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking | 2012 | 67 | overview, socling | cldf, degruyter, hh, langsci | |||||
Haspelmath, Martin and Dryer, Matthew and Gil, David and Comrie, Bernard 2005 | {T}he world atlas of language structures | 2005 | 1112 | cldf, evobib, guldemann, langsci, ozbib | ||||||
Chirif, Alberto and Carlos Mora 1977 | Atlas de comunidades nativas | 1977 | 264 | ethnographic, overview | fabreall2009ann, hh | |||||
Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre 1992 | La légende d'Iquitos (version iquito) | 1992 | 15 | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Chaumeil, Jean-Pierre 1960 | Verbal nouns in Iquito. IC 108, rollo 6 (3 pp.) | 1960 | specific_feature | fabreall2009ann | ||||||
Brown, Mark 2003 | El orden SOV | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Mark C. Brown 2004 | Topics in Iquito Syntax: Word Order, Possession, and Nominal Discontinuity | 2004 | 185 | grammar_sketch | cldf, hh, ldh, mpieva | |||||
Beier, Christine and Lev Michael 2018 | Language Revalorization in Peruvian Amazonia, Through the Lens of Iquito | 2018 | 9 | socling | hh | |||||
Beier, Christine and Lev Michael 2003 | Las metas y metodología del Proyecto de Recuperación del Idioma Iquito. Memorias del Congreso de Idiomas Indígenas de Latinoamérica-I | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Beier, Christine and Lev Michael 2018 | Iquito | 2018 | overview | hh | ||||||
Beier, Christine and Lev Michael 2006 | The Iquito Language Documentation Project: Developing Team-Based Methods for Language Documentation | 2006 | socling | hh | ||||||
na 2003 | Estudios del idioma iquito | 2003 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Beier, Christine and Lev Michael 2002 | La condición actual del idioma indígena iquito y las claves factores afectando al proyecto de su recuperación | 2002 | fabreall2009ann | |||||||
Beier, Christine and Hansen, Cynthia and Lai, I-wen and Michael, Lev 2011 | Exploiting word order to express an inflectional category: Reality status in Iquito | 2011 | 35 | specific_feature | degruyter, haspelmath | |||||
Michael, Lev David and Christine Beier and Ramón Escamilla and Marta Piqueras-Brunet 2009 | Katsakáti: El idioma antiguo del pueblo de Andoas | 2009 | 52 | wordlist | hh, seifart | |||||
Michael, Lev and Christine Beier and Jaime Pacaya Inuma and Ema Llona Yareja and Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa and Ligia Inuma Inuma 2019 | Iquito-English Dictionary | 2019 | 662 | dictionary | hh | |||||
Michael, Lev and Christine Beier and Jaime Pacaya Inuma and Ema Llona Yareja and Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa and Ligia Inuma Inuma 2022 | Diccionario iquito–castellano | 2022 | 596 | dictionary | hh | |||||
Christine Beier and Michael, Lev and Jaime Pacaya Inuma and Ema Llona Yareja and Hermenegildo Díaz Cuyasa and Ligia Inuma Inuma 2019 | Diccionario Escolar Ikíitu Kuwasíini – Tawɨ Kuwasíini (Iquito – Castellano) | 2019 | 375 | dictionary | hh | |||||
Aristar, Anthony and Aristar-Dry, Helen and Xie, Yichun 2012 | LL-MAP (Language and Location: A Map Accessibility Project) | 2012 | cldf | |||||||
ed., Christopher Moseley 2010 | Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger | 2010 | comparative | cldf | ||||||
na nd | World Oral Literature Project | text | cldf | |||||||
na 1962 | Tatu | 1962 | 34 | sil16 | ||||||
na 1964 | Susucuru | 1964 | 40 | sil16 | ||||||
na 2002 | Supuetanaa miishanojiniji pohuatasano | 2002 | sil16 | |||||||
na 1959 | Simiitááni 2, 3 | 1959 | sil16 | |||||||
na 1994 | Shuhuajiniji pohuatasano | 1994 | sil16 | |||||||
na 1965 | Shiyojua serojosano | 1965 | 32 | sil16 |