Retired in ISO 639-3: Split into Aari [aiw] (new identifier) and Gayil [gyl]
Excerpt from change request document:
Speakers of Gayil have very little understanding of the southern variety of Aari, based on the results of comprehension testing conducted with recorded southern Aari texts. The current language development effort for southern Aari, including the translation of literature and a literacy program, does not include Gayil speakers even though Gayil has in the past been considered a dialect of Aari. The Gayil do not understand southern Aari literature and have requested separate language development. According to Gayil interviewees, from their point of view they have a separate ethnolinguistic identity from the southern Aari. The Gayil people's distinct ethnolinguistic identity is reinforced by the fact that they are geographically isolated from the southern Aari area and have little to do with the southern Aari people, dealing mostly with the Basketo people to the north.