Heibanic is held together by pronouns, lexical cognates, and form-meaning resemblances in the noun class systems, though with a small question mark for Warnang. The alleged noun class form/meaning correspondences to other Kordofanian groups, namely Rashad and Talodi (with Tegem), in Schadeberg, Thilo 1989 , Schadeberg, Thilo 1981 are not convincing as conclusively genetic. As to form, there is much eclectic selection as well as irregular correspondences, and as to meaning, the methodology of finding non-cognate shared class items is highly dubious. Chance resemblance has not been excluded. The lexical evidence for a Kordofanian unity is weak in the extreme Blench, Roger M. 2006 . It follows that the arguments presented for a Niger-Congo affiliation are not compelling either Tom Güldemann 2018: 223-231 , 232-234, 353-358.