Spoken L1 Language: Belueli

Subclassification references
Comments on subclassification

Rasmussen, Kent 2018: 159-172 Kutsch Lojenga, Connie [Constance] 2003: 450-452

Belueli, a Pygmy language spoken at Apare in the Ituri forest area of NE Congo, is missing from E16/E17/E18/E19/E20/E21/E22/E23/E24/E25/E26/E27. It is not intelligible to neighbouring Bali [bcp] and appears to the in the Nyali-Ndaka-Mbo-Budu-Vanuma subgroup ( Schebesta, Paul 1953 ). See also: Bali (Democratic Republic of Congo) [bcp].

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