Ellis, Carla and Conradie, Simone and Huddlestone, Kate 2013

Ellis, Carla, Simone Conradie & Kate Huddlestone. 2013. The acquisition of grammatical gender in {L}2 {German} by learners with {Afrikaans}, {English} or {Italian} as their {L}1. Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics 41(0). 17. doi: 10.5774/41-0-131.

  author  = {Ellis, Carla and Conradie, Simone and Huddlestone, Kate},
  journal = {Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics},
  month   = {February},
  number  = {0},
  pages   = {17},
  title   = {The acquisition of grammatical gender in {L}2 {German} by learners with {Afrikaans}, {English} or {Italian} as their {L}1},
  url     = {http://spil.journals.ac.za/pub/article/view/131},
  volume  = {41},
  year    = {2013},
  doi     = {10.5774/41-0-131},
  file    = {2015_Ellis et al_no genders in Afrikaans.pdf:C\:\\Users\\Marc Tang\\AppData\\Roaming\\Zotero\\Zotero\\Profiles\\klxj29sb.default\\zotero\\storage\\C6HGD3ZJ\\2015_Ellis et al_no genders in Afrikaans.pdf:application/pdf},
  inlg    = {English [eng]},
  issn    = {2223-9936, 1027-3417},
  lgcode  = {Italian [ita] (computerized assignment from "italian")},
  src     = {marctang},
  urldate = {2016-08-22}