Hyong-Ik, Pak 1988

Hyong-Ik, Pak. 1988. Trois Emplois du Verbe cuta (donner) en Coréen. Lingvisticæ Investigationes. International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources 12(2). 281-302. doi: 10.1075/li.12.2.04hyo. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

  address            = {Amsterdam/Philadephia},
  author             = {Hyong-Ik, Pak},
  journal            = {Lingvisticæ Investigationes. International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources},
  number             = {2},
  pages              = {281-302},
  publisher          = {John Benjamins Publishing Company},
  title              = {Trois Emplois du Verbe cuta (donner) en Coréen},
  url                = {https://doi.org/10.1075/li.12.2.04hyo},
  volume             = {12},
  year               = {1988},
  abstract           = {In this paper, I distinguish three different uses of the verb cuta: dative verb, support verb, and causative operator verb. The syntactic properties of a sentence containing the verb cuta vary with the lexical choice of the direct object. The subject of the sentence in which cuta is a support verb is seman-tically the subject of the direct object. This special relationship subject -direct object doesn't exist in the sentence with a causative operator verb cuta in which the indirect object is semantically the subject of the direct object. Furthermore, the distribution of the subject in the sentence with a dative verb cuta is different from that in the sentence with a causative operator verb cuta. The causative operator verb cuta takes the subject of the type "unrestricted noun". I present the principal syntactic properties of the verb cuta in the columns of the table. The sign "+" indicates that the verb has the corresponding property: the sign "-" that the verb does not have this property.},
  doi                = {10.1075/li.12.2.04hyo},
  guldemann_location = {TG},
  inlg               = {French [fra]},
  issn               = {0378-4169},
  lgcode             = {Korean [kor] (computerized assignment from "coreen")},
  src                = {benjamins, guldemann}