Brain, James Lewton 1980

Brain, James Lewton. 1980. Luguru bird names. Tanzania notes and records 84(/85). 123-126.

  author           = {Brain, James Lewton},
  journal          = {Tanzania notes and records},
  number           = {/85},
  pages            = {123-126},
  title            = {Luguru bird names},
  volume           = {84},
  year             = {1980},
  jfmnote          = {Includes Zigula names, too (Martin Walsh, pc 2002).},
  keywords         = {;eaf;tnz;lng;lxl;bnt;g.35;g.31;},
  lgcode           = {Zigula [zigu1242]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  notes            = {Includes Zigula names, too (Martin Walsh, pc 2002).},
  src              = {eballiso2009, weball},
  subject_headings = {eaf, tnz, lng, lxl, bnt, g.35, g.31}