Aboh, Enoch Oladé 1998

Aboh, Enoch Oladé. 1998. Focus constructions and the focus criterion in Gungbe. Linguistique Africaine 20. 5–50.

  author           = {Aboh, Enoch Oladé},
  journal          = {Linguistique Africaine},
  pages            = {5–50},
  title            = {Focus constructions and the focus criterion in Gungbe},
  volume           = {20},
  year             = {1998},
  citekeys         = {langsci226:aboh1998},
  inlg             = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby   = {langsci226},
  keywords         = {;waf;bnn;lng;grm;smn;u.181;},
  lgcode           = {Gun [guw]},
  macro_area       = {Africa},
  sortname         = {Aboh, Enoch Olade},
  src              = {eballiso2009, langsci, weball, zurich},
  subject_headings = {waf, bnn, lng, grm, smn, u.181},
  zurichcode       = {Gun-Gbe [GUW]}