Ferraz, Luis Ivens 1979

Ferraz, Luis Ivens. 1979. The Creole of São Tomé. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press.

  address             = {Johannesburg},
  author              = {Ferraz, Luis Ivens},
  booktitle           = {The Creole of São Tomé},
  key                 = {Ferraz 1979},
  publisher           = {Witwatersrand University Press},
  title               = {The Creole of São Tomé},
  type                = {Bibliographical record},
  url                 = {https://books.google.de/books?id=uJwHAQAAIAAJ},
  year                = {1979},
  citekeys            = {cldf2:498},
  filenames           = {cri.pdf},
  inlg                = {English [eng]},
  isreferencedby      = {cldf2},
  jfmnote             = {Presumably this is an offprint from 'African studies', v. 37 (1978).},
  keywords            = {;waf;caf;stp;lng;z.y.350;},
  lgcode              = {[saot1239]},
  macro_area          = {Africa},
  notes               = {Possibly the publisher should read Witwatersrand UP - unless it's a thesis of some kind. Probably a reprint (offprint) from 'African studies', v 37 (1978).},
  phoible_inventoryid = {1566},
  src                 = {cldf, eballiso2009, langsci, phoible, weball},
  subject_headings    = {waf, caf, stp, lng, z.y.350},
  version             = {1}