Staudacher-Valliamée, Gillette 2004

Staudacher-Valliamée, Gillette. 2004. Grammaire du créole réunionnais. (Bibliothèque universitaire & francophone.) Paris: Sedes. 185pp. (Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-175) and index).

  address               = {Paris},
  author                = {Staudacher-Valliamée, Gillette},
  booktitle             = {Grammaire du créole réunionnais},
  key                   = {Staudacher 2004},
  note                  = {Includes bibliographical references (p. 169-175) and index},
  pages                 = {185},
  publisher             = {Sedes},
  series                = {Bibliothèque universitaire & francophone},
  title                 = {Grammaire du créole réunionnais},
  type                  = {Bibliographical record},
  url                   = {},
  year                  = {2004},
  author_statement      = {Gilette Staudacher-Valliamée},
  bestfn                = {africa\staudacher_reunionnais2004v2_o.pdf},
  besttxt               = {ptxt2\africa\staudacher_reunionnais2004v2_o.txt},
  citekeys              = {cldf2:1440},
  class_loc             = {PM7854.R41},
  document_type         = {B},
  fn                    = {africa\staudacher_reunionnais2004_o.pdf, africa\staudacher_reunionnais2004v2_o.pdf, africa\staudacher_reunionnais2004pages.pdf, africa\},
  hhtype                = {grammar},
  inlg                  = {French [fra]},
  isbn                  = {9782847841145},
  isreferencedby        = {cldf2},
  keywords              = {;eaf;fat;rnn;lng;grd;z.y.330c;},
  langnote              = {Réunionnais (autotranslated from Maho's coding system)},
  lgcode                = {Réunion Creole French [rcf]},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {PM 7854 .R41 STA 2004},
  oclc                  = {61139131},
  src                   = {cldf, eballiso2009, hh, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings      = {Creole dialects, French – Réunion – Grammar, Creole dialects – French – Réunion – Grammar},
  version               = {1}