van Avermaet, Ernest and Mbuya, Benoît 1954

Avermaet, Ernest van & Benoît Mbuya. 1954. Dictionnaire kiluba-français. (Annales du MRCB (Musée Royal du Congo Belge), série in-, nales du MRCB (Musée Royal du Congo Belge), série in-8.) Tervuren: Musée royal du Congo belge. 1pp.

  address               = {Tervuren},
  author                = {van Avermaet, Ernest and Mbuya, Benoît},
  pages                 = {1},
  publisher             = {Musée royal du Congo belge},
  series                = {Annales du MRCB (Musée Royal du Congo Belge), série in-},
  title                 = {Dictionnaire kiluba-français},
  volume                = {nales du MRCB (Musée Royal du Congo Belge), série in-8},
  year                  = {1954},
  citekeys              = {langsci307:avermaetmbuya1954},
  class_loc             = {PL8461.Z5},
  document_type         = {CD},
  hhtype                = {dictionary (computerized assignment from "dictionnaire")},
  inlg                  = {French [fra]},
  isreferencedby        = {langsci307},
  keywords              = {;caf;drc;lng;dct;bnt;l.33;},
  lgcode                = {Luba-Katanga [lub]},
  macro_area            = {Africa},
  mpi_eva_library_shelf = {Please ask library staff},
  sortname              = {van Avermaet, Ernest and Mbuya, Benoit},
  src                   = {eballiso2009, langsci, mpieva, weball},
  subject_headings      = {Luba-Katanga language – Dictionaries – French, Luba-Katanga language – Dictionaries – French}